The Warriors went through one hell of a season. Even as someone who doesn’t live and breathe basketball, watching Stephen Curry this past season, especially during the finals with the Celtics was a thrill out of this world. He is undeniably one of the greats! Yet it’s fascinating to think that the world didn’t always see him as such. From being a 3-star recruit to the 256th-ranked player in 2006 to 7th pick in 2009, Curry’s gone a long way.
Though he recently won an Academy Award for Best Original Score for his music on Dune, Hans Zimmer‘s early music career was not easy. He had been thrown out of eight schools and only had two weeks of piano lessons. Yet today he is undeniably one of the greatest composers of our time.
When Stan Lee first pitched Spider-Man, his publisher thought it was “the worst idea I have ever heard.” The publisher himself told one of the greatest storytellers: “First of all, people hate spiders, so you can’t call a book Spider-Man. Secondly he can’t be a teenager—teenagers can only be sidekicks. And third, he can’t have personal problems if he’s supposed to be a superhero—don’t you know who a superhero is?'” The rest… is history.
In the making of Star Wars, George Lucas was rejected time and time again – from Disney to United Artists to Universal. And the one bet that 20th Century Fox took on him was for only a budget of $8M, that eventually became a $10M budget, when at the time, the best blockbuster films all had budgets of $20-30M. Yet, today Star Wars stands as one of the greatest cultural assets of the 20th and 21st century.
In the world of startups, the world’s most valuable companies are worth more than four times and raised half as much as the world’s most funded companies. Funding, in many ways, is a proxy for investor optimism in the early days that this company will be the next big thing. But investors, like any other person, can be wrong. In fact, startup investors are often wrong more often than they’re right. But it also goes to say the world’s best companies are non-obvious, in the non-consensus. In other words, underestimated.

As the above graphic shows, even if one picks right, we still grossly underestimate the potential of outliers. After all, humans are terrible at tracking nonlinearities:
- In 2012, Canva was rejected by over 100 Silicon Valley investors. Now it is a growing $40 billion business of gargantuan proportions.
- The Post-it note was an result of a failed experiment to create stronger adhesives. But Dr. Spencer Silver, its inventor, kept at it, which led to his nickname as “Mr. Persistent” because he wouldn’t give up. Today, Post-it notes are sold in more than 100 countries, and over 50 billion are produced every year.
- Google, one of the most recognizable names today, struggled to raise capital and find customers in the early days. Who needed another search engine? For 1.5 years, every search company approached by Larry and Sergey to consider Google’s tech turned them down. The pair funded Google on their credit cards and couldn’t even afford to hire a designer so regressed to minimalism.
- Tope Awotona, founder of Calendly, started three failed businesses and emptied his 401k to fund Calendly. Yet despite his hustle and persistence, most VCs he talked to turned him down. Despite starting in 2013, it wasn’t till 2021 that Calendly had their A-round. Calendly took much longer to get the attention of external funding than many of its counterparts. The company is now one of the most popular scheduling tools and worth $3B.
But even when people got it right, they still underestimated the upside.
- Even when Kleiner eventually backed Google, legendary investor John Doerr couldn’t believe it when Larry Page believed that Google could get revenues of $10B.
- When Bessemer invested in Shopify, Bessemer thought that the best possible outcome for Shopify was a 3% chance of the company exiting at $400M. As of the time of this essay, it’s worth over 100 times more with a market cap of $43B.
- If you invested in Amazon on the first day in 1998 at $5, most people would have sold at $85 in 1999 – a 17x in less than two years. But if they held to today, they would have made a multiple north of 600x. That said, selling itself is more of an art than a science.
… And the list goes on.
As Warren Buffett says, “the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” Our fallacy with estimation is painfully obvious in hindsight, but dubitably unclear in foresight.
Early on in my venture career, an investor once told me a profound statement. One that I still remember to this day. The best ideas – and often the leaders of tomorrow – often seem crazy at first. And because they’re crazy, they’re nonobvious. They’re in the non-consensus.

As Steve Jobs says, “the ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” The world’s most transformative individuals and businesses take on many more headwinds than those optimizing for local maxima. But history shows us that those that dream big consistently outperform those optimizing for marginal improvement. While there is nothing wrong with the latter, I hope the above anecdotes serve as a reminder rejection is not a sign of failure. Rather, it’s a sign that most people have yet to see what you see.
Your job is to teach them to see what you see. After all, the only difference between a hallucination and a vision is that other people can see a vision.
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash
Edit: Added in Stan Lee’s story.
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