I was reading Chris Neumann’s latest post earlier this week, “Fundraising Sucks. Get Over It.” True to its name, it does. In all the ways possible. Especially if you’re an outsider. In it, there is a truism, among many others:
“If investors are repeatedly telling you that the market is too small or the opportunity isn’t big enough, what they might be saying is, ‘the market is too small for VCs,’ not that it’s a bad idea.”
Which reminded me of a post I wrote late last year. To which, I thought I’d elaborate on. As a founder, how do you know if a market is too small for a VC?
Or when a VC tells you, your market is too small, what do they mean?
Spoiler alert: What’s small for one may not be small for another. Let me elaborate.
If a fund has reserves — in other words, they write follow-on checks —, assume 50-60% dilution between entry to exit ownership. If they don’t, expect 75-80% dilution on their ownership. Of course, these may be on the higher end. Sometimes, there’s less dilution. You, the founder, need fewer rounds to get to profitability, or better yet, an exit.
Tactically, what that means is if a first-check only seed investor wants to invest in your company for 10%, by exit, they’ll have around 2%. Say they’re a $50M fund. Investors are always looking for fund returners, knowing that most of their investments will strike out and they’re really better on each company’s potential to be that one great, truly transformative company. And so… to return the fund or break even on the fund, you need to be at least a $2.5B company. In other words, 2% of $2.5B is $50M.
Of course, seed stage funds are usually underwritten to a 4-5X net. Roughly 5-6X gross return. Usually 50-70% of the returns come from one investment. So, to have a 5X gross on a $50M seed fund, they need to have a portfolio whose enterprise value is $12.5B. A single investment should exit between $6 and $9B, roughly.
So… if a VC cannot seeing you exiting for that amount, they’ll tell you your market is too small. Maybe it’s due to historical exits in your industry. Maybe it’s due to a lack of strategic acquirers who’d buy you at that price. Or maybe it’s that you’re too cash intensive that you need to raise more rounds to get to an exit that is meaningful. And in the process of which, take on a hefty preference stack. Fancy schmancy term for all those investors who collectively include a larger than 1X liquidation preference in their term sheet. Aka downside protection.
That said, let’s take another example. $50M seed fund, concentrated portfolio fund. They like to come in for 20% and will invest in at least 1-2 rounds after. By exit, they might dilute down to 10%. To return the fund, they only need a $500M exit. To 5X gross the fund, they’ll need only $2.5B of enterprise value. Half of which will come from a single company. Meaning instead of needing to be almost a decacorn at exit to impress the VC, you only need to be a unicorn. Still impressive, but let’s be real. Unicorn exits are easier to achieve than decacorn exits.
Next time, you’re about to have a VC pitch meeting, do your homework. And try not to spend too much time with investors who may give you the feedback of “your market is too small.”
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.
What are the essential elements of a “good” VC fund strategy vs. “lucky”?
What elements can you control and what can you not?
How long does it take to develop “skill” and can you speed it up w/ (intentional) practice?
Anyone can shoot a three-pointer every once in a while.
Steph Curry is undeniably one of the best shooters of our time. If not, of all time. Even if you don’t watch ball, one can’t help but appreciate what a marksman Steph is. In case you haven’t, just look at the clip below of his shots during the 2024 Olympics.
From the 2024 Olympics
As the Under Armour commercial with Michael Phelps once put it, “it’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light.” For Steph, it’s the metaphoric 10,000 hours taking, making, and missing shots. For the uninitiated, what might be most fascinating is that not all shots are created equal, specifically… not all misses are created equal.
There was a piece back in 2021 by Mark Medina where he wrote, “If the ball failed to drop through the middle of the rim, Curry and Payne simply counted that attempt as a missed shot.” Even if he missed, the difference between missing by a wide margin versus hitting the rim mattered. The difference between hitting the front of the rim versus the backboard or the back rim mattered. The former meant you were more likely to make the shot after the a bounce than the other. Not all misses are created equal.
Anyone can shoot a 3-pointer. With enough tries. But not everyone can shoot them as consistently as Steph can.
The same holds for investing. Many people, by sheer luck, can find themselves invested in a unicorn. But not everyone can do it repeatedly across vintages. It’s the difference between a single outperforming fund and an enduring firm.
The former isn’t bad. Quite good actually. But it also takes awareness and discipline to know that it may be a once-in-a-lifetime thing. The latter takes work. Lots of it. And the ability to compound excellence.
When one is off, how much are you off? What are the variables that led you to miss? What variables are within your control? And what aren’t? Of those that are, how consistent can you maintain control over those variables?
As such, let me break down a few things that you can control as a GP.
Deal Flow
Are you seeing enough deals? Are you seeing enough GREAT deals? Do you find yourself struggling in certain quarters to find great deals or do you find yourself struggling to choose among the surplus of amazing deals that are already in your inbox? Simply, are you struggling against starvation or indigestion? It’s important to be intellectually honest here, at least to yourself. I know there’s the game of smokes and mirrors that GPs play with LPs when fundraising, but as the Richard Feynman line goes, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool.”
Value Add
Whereas deal flow is about what companies you see, value add is more about how you win deals. Why and how do you attract the world’s best entrepreneurs to work with you? In a world where the job of a VC is to sell money – in other words, is my dollar greener or is another VC’s dollar greener – you need to answer a simple question: Why does another VC fund need to exist?
What can you provide a founder that no other, or at least, very few other, investors can
While there are many investors out there who say “founders just like me” or “founders share their most vulnerable moments with me”, it’s extremely hard for an LP to underwrite. And what an LP cannot grasp their head around means you’ll disappear into obscurity. The file that sits in the back of the cabinet. You’ll exist, and an LP may even like you, but never enough for them to get to conviction. And to a founder, especially when they’ve previously “made it”, already, you will fall into obsolescence because your value-add will be a commodity at scale. Note the term “at scale.” Yes, you’ll still be able to win deals on personality with your immediate network, and opportunistically with founders that you occasionally click with. But can you do it for the three best deals that come to your desk every quarter for at least the next four years? If you’re building an institutional firm, for the next 20+ years. Even harder to do, when you’re considering thousands of firms are coming out of the woodwork every year. Also, an institutional LP sees at least a few hundred per year.
For starters, I recommend checking out Dave’s piece on what it means to help a company and how it impacts your brand and perception.
Portfolio Size
Deal flow is all about is your aperture wide enough. Are you capturing enough light? Portfolio size is all about how grainy the footage is. With the resolution you opt for, are you capturing enough of the details that could produce a high definition portfolio? In venture, a portfolio of five is on the smaller side. And unless you’re a proven picker, and are able to help your companies meaningfully or you’re in private equity, as a Fund I, you might want to consider a larger portfolio. It’s not uncommon to see portfolios at 30-40 in Fund I that scale down in subsequent funds once the GPs are able to recognize good from great from amazing.
I will also note, with too big of a portfolio, you end up under optimizing returns. As Jay Rongjie Wang once said, ““The reason why we diversify is to improve return per unit of risk taken.” At the same time, “bear in mind, every fund that you add to your portfolio, you’re reducing your upside as well. And that is something a lot of people don’t keep in mind.”
Moonfire Ventures did a study in 2023 and found that “the probability of returning less than 1x the fund decreases as the size of your portfolio grows, and gets close to zero when your portfolio exceeds 200 companies.” That said, “it’s almost impossible to 10x a fund with more than 110 companies in your portfolio.”
First off, how are you measuring your marks? Marc Andreessen explains the concept of marks far better than I can. So not to do the point injustice, I’m just going to link his piece here.
Separately, the earliest proxies of portfolio success happens to revolve around valuations and markups, but to make it more granular, “valuation” really comes down to two things:
Graduation rates
Pro rata / follow-on investments
Graduation rates
When your graduation rates between stages fall below 30%, do you know why? What kinds of founders in your portfolio fail to raise their following round? What kinds of founders graduate to the next stage but not the one after that? Are you deeply familiar with the top reasons founders in your portfolio close up shop or are unable to raise their next round? What are the greatest hesitations downstream investors have when they say no? Is it the same between the seed to Series A and the A to B?
Pro rata / follow-on investments
Of your greatest winners, are you owning enough that an exit here will be deeply meaningful for your portfolio returns. As downstream investors come in, naturally dilution occurs. But owning 5% of a unicorn on exit is 5X better than owning 1% of a unicorn. For a $10M fund, it’s the difference for a single investment 1X-ing your fund and 5X-ing it.
When you lose out on your follow-on investment opportunities, what are the most common reasons you didn’t capitalize? Capital constraints? Conviction or said uglier, buyer’s remorse? Overemphasis on metrics? Lack of information rights?
Then when your winners become more obvious in the late stages and pre-IPO stages, it’s helpful to revisit some of these earlier decisions to help you course-correct in the future.
I will note with the current market, not only are the deal sizes larger (i.e. single round unicorns, in other words, a unicorn is minted after just one round of financing), there are also more opportunities to exit the portfolio than ever before. While M&A is restricted by antitrust laws, and IPOs are limited by overall investor sentiment, there have been a lot of secondary options for early stage investors as well. But that’s likely a blogpost for another day.
In closing
To sum it all up… when you miss, how far do you miss?
Obviously, it’s impossible to control all the variables. You cannot control market dynamics. As Lord Toranaga says in the show Shogun when asked “How does it feel to shape the wind to your will?”, he says “I don’t control the wind. I only study it.” You can’t control the wind, but you can choose which sails to raise, when you raise them, and which direction they point to. Similarly, you also can’t completely control which portfolio companies hit their milestones and raise follow-on capital. For that matter, you also can’t control cofounder splits, founders losing motivation, companies running out of runway, lawsuits from competitors, and so on.
But there are a select few things that you can control and that will change the destiny of your fund. To extend the basketball analogy from the beginning a bit further, you can’t change how tall you are. But you can improve your shooting. You can choose to be a shooter or a passer. You can choose the types of shots you take — 3-pointers, mid-range, and/or dunks. In the venture world, it’s the same.
The choice. Or, things you can change easily:
Industry vertical
Portfolio size
Check size
Follow-on investments
The drills. Or, things you can improve with practice:
Deal flow – both quantity and quality
The kinds of deals you pick
Value add – Does your value-add improve over time? As you grow your network? As you have more shots on goal?
The deals you win – Can you convey your value-add efficiently?
And then, the game itself. The things that are much harder to influence:
Graduation rates
Downstream dilution
Exit outcomes
The market and black swan events themselves
Venture is a game where the feedback cycles are long. To get better at a game, you need reps. And you need fast feedback loops. It’s foolhardy to wait till fund term and DPI to then evaluate your skill. It’s for that reason many investors fail. They fail slowly. While not as fast of a feedback loop as basketball and sports, where success is measured in minutes, if not seconds – where the small details matter – you don’t have to wait a decade to realize if you’re good at the game or not in venture. You have years. Two to three What kinds of companies resonate with the market? What kinds of founders and companies hit $10M ARR? In addition, what are the most common areas that founders need help with? And what kinds of companies are interesting to follow-on capital?
Do note there will always be outliers. StepStone recently came out with a report. Less than 50% of top quartile funds at Year 5 stay there by Year 10. And only 3.7% of bottom-quartile funds make it to the top over a decade. Early success is not always indicative of long-term success. But as a VC, even though we make bets on outliers, as a fund manager, do not bet that you will be the outlier. Stay consistent, especially if you’re looking to build an institutional firm.
One of my favorite Steph Curry clips is when he finds a dead spot on the court. He has such ball control mastery that he knows exactly when his technique fails and when there are forces beyond his control that fail him.
Huge thanks to Dave McClure for inspiring the topic of this post and also for the revisions.
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.
Folks with frequent flyer miles here know that I’m a big fan of Brandon Sanderson’s lessons on creative writing. So, when Brandon Sanderson shared his new course on YouTube, I had to check it out. And I’m glad I did. In it, there’s a story on a Hollywood pilot for a new sitcom.
A team in Hollywood would bring people in, and subsequently tell them that team would ask the test audience what they thought of the pilot episode after they watched it. People would then watch it. After, they would ask, “There was a commercial at break number one. What brand was this commercial for?” Why? They didn’t want people focusing on the commercials, but wanted to understand the efficacy of the commercial. According to Brandon, they used the same sitcom pilot for years, which they used as the constant to test the commercial itself.
As such, Brandon’s advice to writers was that you shouldn’t ask too many leading questions when asking for feedback. Otherwise you’d predispose your audience to the intentions of your script.
Interestingly enough, I wrote a piece last week on how I do references. In it, I also share some of the questions I use during diligence and reference calls. While the questions aren’t intended to deceive, they’re designed to get to the truth. For instance, instead of asking for a person’s weakness, you ask “If you were to hire someone under this person, what qualities would you look for?” If I were to ask a stranger about their friend’s weakness, 9 times out of 10, I’ll get a response that’s a strength in disguise. A stranger has no incentive to tell me negative things about someone they have known for a while.
But at the same time, my job as an investor, though only a minority investor, is to help their friend grow. And I can’t help them grow if I don’t know what are areas they need to grow in.
As such, the focus isn’t on weaknesses. But shifting the framing to areas where I can complement them. Areas that if they worked on them in the next two years will make them a more robust leader.
There’s also another exercise I’ve really enjoyed working on with founders and emerging managers. I’d host a dinner where most people don’t know each other and what the other people are building. I don’t give them time to introduce themselves, but I ask every single person to bring their deck. During the dinner, they’re required to give their deck to someone else at the table. Each person then has a max of two minutes to look at someone’s deck, with no other context. After two minutes, decks are put away. And each person is required to pitch the startup or the fund as if they were the founder.
It’s a self-awareness exercise. Too often, when we’re looking at our own pitch day in, day out, we tend to lose perspective. We tend to miss things that are obvious to others. Through the above exercise, each person is able to notice what someone with limited time and attention took away from their pitch and what the delta is between what the founder wanted to convey and what the other person ended up conveying.
#unfiltered is a series where I share my raw thoughts and unfiltered commentary about anything and everything. It’s not designed to go down smoothly like the best cup of cappuccino you’ve ever had (although here‘s where I found mine), more like the lonely coffee bean still struggling to find its identity (which also may one day find its way into a more thesis-driven blogpost). Who knows? The possibilities are endless.
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.
Undeniably, one of the most insightful books I read this year has been Setting the Table by Danny Meyer. Someone I’ve been a long time fan of. If you’re no stranger to this humble blog, you’ll notice his cameos throughout previouspieces I’ve written. I am also remarkably late to the game. The book came out in 2008. And to this day, is as timeless as it was over a decade and a half back. Thank you, Rishi and Arpan for gifting me a copy.
That book has led to blogposts like this and this. To finally cold email him (yay, he replied! Danny, if you’re reading this, thank you for making my day, hell, and a good portion of my year!). New ways on how I support GPs. More intentional ways to hire. Inspired me to take on two more writing projects and a new podcast series in 2025 (don’t worry, Superclusters isn’t going anywhere, but expanding). And I’m sure it’s only the tip of the iceberg.
And as one last fanboy moment for Danny, there’s a line he has on page 220. A line the late and great Stanley Marcus of Neiman Marcus fame once told him. “The road to success is paved with mistakes well handled.” A line I haven’t stopped thinking about since I read it.
There’s a saying in the entrepreneurial world that it takes between 10 and 15 miracles for a startup to succeed. Each miracle is a trial by fire. A right of passage. A test of character. I’ve always believed that the job of an investor is not to be helpful all the time, or share celebrations on social media, or facilitate just connections. Despite having done many of the above myself, those are all, in my mind, table stakes. Rather, the job of an investor is to be there for at least one of those critical points of failure and to be extremely valuable. To help an entrepreneur handle their mistake well, to borrow Stanley Marcus’ line.
“If I hire someone, I don’t really want to hire right out of school. I want to hire someone with a little bit of professional experience. And I want someone who’s been yelled at.”
While it makes for a great clickbait title, the lesson extends further. One only gets yelled at by making a mistake. One learns not by making mistakes, but the public embarrassment of that mistake. If someone learn of the negative aftermath of a mistake, one won’t get the feedback mechanism necessary to grow from that experience. To analogize it to elementary math, if my afterschool teacher didn’t slap me with a ruler every time I got 9+8 wrong, it would have taken me a lot longer to learn that lesson. If no one catches you accidentally making an inconsistent calculation on the balance sheet, you may never learn from that mistake.
All that to say, someone who’s been yelled at made the mistake, received the feedback mechanism to improve, and learned to handle it better next time.
So, in my long preamble, and not to bury the lead, 2025 will be the year of big mistakes. Maybe. Hopefully, well handled. 2024 was the year of laying the groundwork. A lot of which were made explicit via this blog. I’m not saying I haven’t made any mistakes. Yes, I’ve left the toilet seat up. I should have asked for more concrete examples during certain podcast interviews. Almost forgot to file my annual tax extension. Forgot to mention a sponsor at an event (luckily my co-host had my back). Made the rookie intern mistake at work. Twice. Different things, but nevertheless twice. But those mistakes will be small compared to the ones I’ll make next year.
Nevertheless, here are the hallmarks of 2024!
2024’s Most Popular
Timeless Content for the Weary Investor — Our society spends quite a bit of time focusing on results, outputs, and success. All of which are lagging indicators of the blood, sweat and tears people put in. So instead, earlier this year, I thought it’d be interesting to compile a list of content that some of the most successful investors (LPs and VCs alike) consume. What goes in their information diet? What are the inputs? Some results may surprise!
The Science of Selling – Early DPI Benchmarks — With the economy outside of AI hitting a standstill and hitting record low numbers in terms of liquidity, I’ve found a constant stream of new readers via this blogpost. Many of which I imagine to be fiduciaries and capital allocators. I do hope that one day there is more content on selling and exiting positions in a liquidity-constrained environment though. Although, I may just put out a blogpost on secondaries in the new year, inspired by a number of conversations I’ve had this year already.
How to Break into VC in 2024 — It may be obvious by now that there’s no one set path to get into venture. I’ve worked with colleagues who ranged in majors from history to food science to economics to computer engineering. Additionally, those who have been a founder, a banker, a consultant, a product manager, an artist, an athlete, an actress, a public relations specialist, and the list goes on. But if you were looking for the closest thing to a silver bullet, maybe this essay would be a great place to start.
Five Tactical Lessons After Hosting 100+ Fireside Chats — Surprisingly, this has stayed as a perennial blogpost. I realize even now looking back, how much I’ve learned since, but nevertheless a good starting point for those who want to interview others.
The Non-Obvious Emerging LP Playbook — The first blogpost I wrote on the topic of being an LP. Still my longest one to date. Since then, I’ve learned an LP comes by many a name. Capital allocator. Asset owner. And more specifically, the difference between multi-family offices and single family offices. Family businesses. Access versus asset class LPs. And more.
Non-obvious Hiring Questions I’ve Fallen in Love with — I’ve been lucky enough to spend quite a bit of time around talent magnets this year. And in the surplus of applications, they’re forced to quickly differentiate signal from noise. And these are some of the questions I’ve heard them use. And well, have also used myself when hiring these past two years.
All-Time Most Popular
This list hasn’t changed much this year. One can say I have yet to outdo myself. Which may be true. I admittedly, also haven’t shared these blogposts much on Twitter. In fact, over 70% of this year’s posts never touched LinkedIn or Twitter. When in the past, I invested a bit more time in expanding to new audiences. For any essay that did go a little viral this year, it was because of you, my readers. So thank you!
This year was the year of LP content. Also, the year where I stopped using as many headers in my blogposts. Interestingly enough. It wasn’t any conscious decision, but at some point I just slowed my pace down. Excluding this blogpost and a few others. I wonder if I’ll use less next year.
So, to share them chronologically, here are some of my personal favorites:
The Proliferation of LP Podcasts — I wrote this back in March at the beginning of Season 2 of Superclusters, and I still stand by this today. At the beginning of every content adoption curve, the question is: WHERE can I find this content? But as the content becomes fully adopted, in this case around being a capital allocator, the question will become: WHO do I want to / choose to listen to?
From Demo Day to First Meeting: My Demo Day Checklist — There are times we have to make fast decisions when faced with a volume of options. Going to Demo Days and choosing who to follow up with is just one of such cases. I’m happy this year I’ve codified that practice when going to VC accelerator Demo Days. And I imagine it’s only a matter of time, before we’re faced with the volume of YC Demo Days, but for funds.
The Power Law of Questions — As I’ve grown as an LP, I find myself being a lot more intentional with questions I ask fund managers. This blogpost serves as a record of questions I found myself asking quite often this year.
Emerging Manager Products versus Features — In the startup world, the concept of products and features have become quite prevalent. One is a standalone business. The other is more of a subclause than a clause, incapable of being a product offering in of and itself. As I spend time thinking about an asset class, where the simplest, and likely, most facetious way of describing it, is we sell money, this blogpost serves as “value-adds” that deserve their own fund versus ones that should be built within a larger shop.
Shoe Shopping — One of my posts where the title almost has nothing to do with the blogpost itself. But an observation of what differentiates VC funds beyond what they pitch the public.
! > ? > , > . — Another one of those blogposts where it’s hard to guess what it’s about from the title itself. Likely my worst essay title to date. Or best? A product of my gripe that most people don’t know how to ask for feedback. And good news! Some readers of this blog have reached out since asking for more directed feedback.
Three E’s of Fund Discipline — A lot of GPs focus on entry discipline. A lot of LPs in 2024 focus on exit discipline. Both are equally as important, but both often forget about the third kind of fund discipline. Executional discipline. I give examples of each in this essay, which hopefully can help as a reminder for what is needed out of a great fund manager. A separate job description from just being a good investor. In fact, you can be the latter without ever needing to raise or manage your own fund, and still make the Midas List.
With that, 2024 comes to a close. See you all in the new year!
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.
“Diversification is your one free lunch.” – Charissa Lai
Charissa has experience in Investing, Strategy and Relationship Management across Private Equity and Investment Banking. She’s gained global perspective from having worked and lived in South Africa, England, Canada, China and the USA. Her expertise includes selecting fund managers and co-investments, developing alternatives strategies and building relationships. She’s a recipient of 2016 Women in Capital Markets Emerging Leaders Award with CPPIB. She serves as a Board Director at the Toronto Humane Society.
Charissa holds an MBA from Northwestern University and an HBSc. from University of Toronto.
[00:00] Intro [03:51] When Charissa first met the Dalai Lama [07:08] Charissa’s early career [08:02] Charissa’s rejection from her dream job [11:01] Why did Charissa switch from computer science to investment banking [12:16] How Charissa became an LP [14:24] Pinch-me moments for Charissa [16:04] Building the investment process for a $70B pension fund [18:37] The duration of partner roles is quite telling [20:58] Assessing buyout track records [25:01] Buyout loss ratios [26:36] When buyouts and VC are getting more and more similar [28:19] The value of vintage diversification [32:51] How Charissa thinks about personal portfolio allocation [40:22] The one VC fund that Charissa invested in [42:53] Charissa’s beer can chicken [47:13] What memory does Charissa cherish? [49:26] Post-credit scene [54:38] Thank you Alchemist Accelerator for sponsoring! [55:39] If you enjoyed this episode, a like, comment, or share would mean the world!
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.
There are LPs who see VC as an asset class. And there are those who see it as an access class. Most GPs spend time with the former. Most emerging GPs try to spend time with the latter, just ’cause the former are out of their reach for multiple reasons. Chief of which is probably that the “asset-class” LPs typically write large checks, have small teams, and have little to no appetite for the risk in this asset class. Also given how much the industry is a black box, it’s hard to underwrite anything that puts their career at risk.
Moreover not every dollar of DPI generated from emerging VC gets re-invested in the asset class
It will get allocated to others (real estate, public, debt, PE/buyout) that are easier to get buy-in from the investment committee
But most emerging GPs I talk to actually fail the latter, the “access-class” LPs, more often than not. Much of which is in understanding how to approach them.
In the world of business, there are customers and there are buyers. Someone who makes a one-time purchase, and rarely again is a buyer. It could be due lack of demand. Lack of availability. Or simply, they were bamboozled. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Most emerging LPs, whether individuals or family offices or even corporate venture arms, buy a product once. And unfortunately, what they were sold and what they bought ended up being two different things.
Relationships, in any industry, take time to nurture. It takes time to win trust. Those who trust easily can take trust away easily. Yet, most GPs talk to LPs for the first time when they start fundraising. With a fire under them. And a sense of urgency as the clock is ticking. And by function of that, attempt to force these LPs who see VC as an access class to make a transactional decision.
To help visualize the difference, this is how I typically like to frame it:
LPs who see VC as an…
Asset class
Access class
When pitching them, it’s similar to which business function
Marketing (Brand and outliers matter)
Turnover rate in portfolio
“Lean back” (Big picture)
“Lean in” (In the trenches)
Strategy not to lose (Play to stay rich)
Strategy to win (Play to get rich)
Depth vs Breadth
Breadth > Depth
Depth > Breadth
Capital flows in the near future
Steady state (VC exists and will keep our allocation at a steady state / set percentage annually. Any additional significant DPI generated here is re-allocated to other assets.)
Capital increase (VC is interesting and likely to increase allocation to it in the impending future.)
For access-driven LPs, they typically transition to asset-driven after about 4 years. Subsequently churning from their “access” category, as they now have enough relationships and “experience” building a strategy around venture capital. Access-driven LPs typically churn through their portfolio quite frequently, with generational shifts and new regimes and interests.
Moreover, with access-driven LPs, the pitching process is often collaborative and there’s room for terms negotiation. More often than not, they have curiosities they’d like to satiate. Asset-driven LPs have you pitch them. When challenged, they are more defensive than they are curious.
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.
“Executional excellence can get you to being great at something – let’s call that top quartile – but it really is passion that distinguishes the best from great – top decile.” – Charlotte Zhang
As the director of investments, Charlotte Zhang oversees the selection of external investment managers at Inatai Foundation, conducts portfolio research, and helps to institutionalize processes, tools, and resources. Experienced in impact investing, she previously served as a senior associate at ICONIQ Capital and, before that, Medley Partners. Investing on behalf of foundations affiliated with family offices, her investments supported a variety of nonprofit work, from early childhood education to autism research. Charlotte was a founding partner of Seed Consulting Group, a California-based nonprofit that provides pro bono strategy consulting to environmental and public health organizations, and currently serves on the Women’s Association of Venture and Equity’s west coast steering committee and as a Project Pinklight panelist for Private Equity Women Investor Network. She is also on the advisory boards of MoDa Partners, a family office whose mission is to advance the economic and educational equity of women and girls, and 8090 Partners, a multifamily office consisting of families and entrepreneurs across diverse industries that is currently deploying an impact investment fund.
Charlotte earned a BS with honors in business administration from the University of California, Berkley. When not working, you can find her globetrotting (18 countries and counting), writing a Yelp review about the best bite in town, or cuddling up with a book and her two adorable cats.
[00:00] Intro [02:56] Charlotte’s humble beginnings [07:02] Lessons as a pianist [10:23] Lessons from swimming that piano didn’t teach [14:52] How Charlotte became an LP [17:44] Where are emerging managers looking for deal flow these days? [21:23] Reasons as to why Inatai may pass on a fund [24:35] The 4 P’s to Evaluate GPs [29:26] How small is too small of a track record? [34:42] How do you build a multi-billion dollar portfolio from scratch [39:43] The minimum viable back office for an LP [42:03] Underrated Bay Area restaurants [47:01] Thank you to Alchemist Accelerator for sponsoring! [48:02] If you learned something from this episode, it would mean a lot if you could share it with ONE friend!
“Executional excellence can get you to being great at something – let’s call that top quartile – but it really is passion that distinguishes the best from great – top decile.” – Charlotte Zhang
“If you have enough capital chasing after an opportunity, alpha is just going to be degraded.” – Charlotte Zhang
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.
A good friend, who’s hosting an annual general meeting (AGM) for his LPs in his first year of the fund, pinged me the other day asking if he should include the IRR metrics in his presentation day of. For context, it was negative because well, that’s how the math works. It’s almost always negative for any venture fund you invest in, in years 1-3. As you’re investing more money, the portfolio has yet to get marked up and raise a new round. So alas, negative rate of return.
Given that he had a lot of first-time LPs in his fund, he wasn’t sure if they would understand the context of the IRR metric if he just put it on a slide. So he was biased with not including it. To which I responded with… of course you should. For the bread and butter of being a fiduciary of capital, you should always bias towards transparency and honesty. But you should educate them every year in your first three years of the fund on what each number means and what is industry standard. Moreover, the biggest thing you’ll be measured against in the first three years of any fund is the discipline you exhibit. Did you do what you said you were going to do?
Then it brought on a larger question. What should GPs include in their AGMs in the first three years?
So I thought I’d write a blogpost about it.
This won’t be a two-hour documentary, nor a 300-page novel. But rather, just the governing principles of how I think about running annual summits for your LPs. So, as a general compass for the rest of this post:
First things first, the basics. What are the metrics to share?
MOIC and/or TVPI
I prefer both gross and net, but most really just share net
# of investments (total)
Capital called
Capital deployed
# of investments per pillar/vertical in your thesis (if relevant)
# of investments broken down by stage (if relevant)
Average check size
Average entry ownership
Average entry valuation
Notable wins / progress in portfolio companies, and why it matters
Asks for LPs
Where is the market today?
Where is it going? Notable trends
The first 10 are required as a fiduciary of capital. The last 4 means you’re playing professor for a bit. LPs invest in you for your opinion, for your perspective. Also it’s important to note, if more than 20% of your LPs are first-time LPs, you may want to lean more on being a professor of sorts to set expectations. And how to interpret your data. And yes, it’s worth being honest here. In good and bad times.
Do note that in the first 2-3 years, your IRRs will suck. TVPI will be roughly 1X. DPI is either negligible or non-existent. These are all things that are worth highlighting to first-time LPs in the venture space. Focus on why discipline matters more than performance in the first 3-4 years. Did you do what you said you would do?
Also, it is quite normal to invite both your current fund LPs, as well as the LPs you would like to have one to two funds from now. Although if you’re inviting the latter, do be cognizant on sharing sensitive data about your portfolio. Regardless, the AGM is an opportunity to deepen any relationships — current and future.
And, just like a Dreamforce or TwitchCon or WWDC, it’s a chance to reinvigorate your audience about why they should care about you.
Content at large
I’m not the first to say it, nor is it the first time I’m writing about it. For instance, here and here. But GPs are evaluated on primarily three things: sourcing, picking, winning. There are more yes. GP-thesis fit. Differentiation. Portfolio construction. Ability to build an enduring firm. Selling and exiting positions. And so on. But if VCs can boil everything down to team, market, and product, this is the LP equivalent.
And well, the truth is you’re always being evaluated. Even after the fundraising sprint. As in another 2-3 years, you’re going to ask the same LPs to re-up their capital, just like a founder to a multi-stage VC would.
All that to say, in the AGM, you should find ways to highlight each through the content you present. To share some examples:
How you source
Have your companies share how you first met. The crazier the story, the better.
If you have a community/newsletter/podcast, bring in a really high quality advisor or speaker from there.
If you champion yourself on outbound sourcing, find an impressive speaker that you cold emailed.
How you pick
Showcase 1-2 companies with strong growth
If you had a track record prior to the firm with an obvious win (i.e. you were a seed investor in Airbnb), bring the founder in to speak.
Share market insight that no one else knows. What is your prepared mind?
Request for startups.
How you win
Showcase a skillset that you have through someone else. That someone else can be a former colleague, a name-brand co-investor, or founder. Have them talk about you and that skillset. Stories are always better than facts.
Showcase 1 hot company in your portfolio that everyone wanted to get access to but only very few got in. Have that founder share why they picked you.
Of course, you don’t have to be explicit with the above, but nevertheless, a useful framework for planning content.
Also please don’t have your entire portfolio present. Nor any more than 4-5 companies. Two is ideal. Ideally, you want a diverse cast of speakers. And I mean, diverse by job title.
I’m always biased towards gifts. It is one of my primary love languages, but also in any event I host or help host, I think a lot about surprise and suspense.
Surprise is relaying information to someone where they do not expect it. Suspense is relaying information where they expect it, but don’t know how or when it’ll drop. Surprise is what gets people talking about your event after. Suspense is what brings people to the event.
The earlier section on content is suspense. Gifts are usually surprises at AGMs.
In terms of what kinds of gifts to give, the most important guiding principle here is to be thoughtful. As Zig Ziglar / Mark Suster once said, ” People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
It’s less about the gift you give; it’s more important about how you deliver it.
Some examples of thoughtful ones I’ve seen at AGMs in the past:
A GP’s favorite book they read that year
A signed copy by the author of a deeply meaningful book that shaped the way the GP thinks today
A letter at each LP’s seat of the first interaction between the GP and each of the LPs.
In closing
AGMs are the one of the few times in a year, hell, in fund cycle, to remind LPs of why they love you. Are they thinking about you when they put together the following year’s budget and allocation schedule?
And yes, you do need to remind LPs on why they love you. Just like, even if you’re in a happy marriage, every so often, you need a date night. Keep the kids at home. Get a babysitter. And do something wild with your spouse.
Pat Grady has this great line. “If your value prop is unique, you should be a price setter not a price taker, meaning your gross margins should be really good.” In a similar way, you want to be a schedule maker, not a schedule taker. And to do so, you need to get people excited. And well, you need to be unique. You need people to look forward to your AGM, and not see it as a chore. Since, let’s be honest; if I’ve been to two dozen or so AGMs, not as an LP in most of them, then a seasoned LP is definitely invited to many more.
Earlier this year, I flew over to San Diego for an AGM. I found out two other friends were also flying in to SD for an AGM that same Thursday. The three of us agreed to catch up during the happy hour, assuming all of us were going to the same one. Turns out, we each went to a different AGM. Same day, same time. All within a 10-minute Uber ride from each other. Spoiler, we later escaped our respective events during the happy hours to catch up elsewhere.
Along the same wavelength, in October this year, I was moderating a talk in a building, where there were two other AGMs happening in the same building at the same time. And three others within a five-block radius in SF… at the same time. Those were only the ones I knew of. That said, it was SF Tech Week.
Simply, you’re fighting for attention. And everything above is just table stakes. It’s the bare minimum. But what sets the great ones apart from the forgettable ones is a reminder of what makes that GP or set of GPs special. Their own flavor. Their own touch. And it’s a combination of thoughtfulness and personality. And if you have those, the small bumps in the road don’t matter.
Hope the above helps.
P.S. Why am I sharing this?
I don’t think knowledge is ever perennially proprietary. Today it may be, tomorrow it will not.
If you’re a GP reading this, this is pretty much exactly what I share with all the funds I’ve worked with to help plan their annual summits for LPs. So, you won’t have to hire me anymore to help you with your annual summits. I don’t care about making a living helping other people plan and organize AGMs. But I would like to go to higher quality events in general. 🙂
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.
The most common VC rejection by founders who end up building the world’s most transformative companies seems to be:
The market is too small.
Other variations:
Unfortunately, the size of the market didn’t make sense for our investment model.
The price of the round felt too expensive for our strategy. (An indirect assumption that the exit-to-entry multiple would be south of a 100X. In other words, there’s a cap on market size. Aka small market.)
There are plenty of public examples of founders (i.e. Airbnb, Instacart, Uber, Facebook/Meta, Shopify, eBay, Ford, NVIDIA, etc.) sharing their rejection emails from the first couple hundred VCs they’ve met. But also, I’ve been lucky enough to read a lot of the memos that GPs and partners have written in the decades past on their anti-portfolio.
Yep, that’s the blog post for today.
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.
David York’s thirty plus years of industry knowledge and networks uniquely equip him to be a liaison and international ambassador not only for Top Tier’s brand, but also the broader venture community. In 2000, David joined Phil Paul to lead the fund of funds team at Paul Capital, which spun out in 2011 to form Top Tier.
David has been active in the global venture capital community since the early 1990s. As a founder of Top Tier, he has led the development of the Firm for over twenty years and has been involved in every aspect of it. His involvement in the industry has led him to participate in numerous industry events and conferences, and also the NVCA, where he is an active board member. David led the fund of funds business at Paul Capital Partners, before spinning it out and founding Top Tier. Prior to Paul Capital, David spent seventeen years on Wall Street running various trading desks. In 1999, he was Managing Director at Chase H&Q, where he ran Equity Capital Markets liquidity, and from 1994 to 1999 he ran Venture Services for Hambrecht & Quist, a San Francisco-based, technology-focused investment bank acquired by Chase Bank.
[00:00] Intro [02:52] David York’s role models over the years [07:06] Is the LP model broken? [11:34] What David would like to see in private markets [15:27] How did David raise $500M in the dotcom crash [23:09] Breaking down when large LPs are ready to be pitched [25:37] What does a thoughtful email look like? [28:40] The liquidity needs of different kinds of LPs [33:29] David’s favorite restaurant in Tokyo [36:41] David’s secret starter dough recipe [40:13] Secret post-credit scene [40:46] Thank you to Alchemist Accelerator for sponsoring! [41:47] If you learned something from this episode, I’d love it if you could share it with one other friend!
“If you look at venture capital investments in general, partnership agreements are too short.” – David York
“Going to see accounts before budgets are set helps get your brand and your story in the mind of the budget setter. In the case of the US, budgets are set in January and July, depending on the fiscal year. In the case of Japan, budgets are set at the end of March, early April. To get into the budget for Tokyo, you gotta be working with the client in the fall to get them ready to do it for the next fiscal year. [For] Korea, the budgets are set in January, but they don’t really get executed on till the first of April. So there’s time in there where you can work on those things. The same thing is true with Europe. A lot of budgets are mid-year. So you develop some understanding of patterns. You need to give yourself, for better or worse if you’re raising money, two to three years of relationship-building with clients.” – David York
“To me, rejection is simply ‘not now,’ not a ‘no.’” – David York
DZ: “What do most GPs, or first-time LPs, fail to appreciate?” DY: “The exit.”
Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!
The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.