Superclusters Show Notes

Friends, voila! You can find all Superclusters episodes’ show notes here! (As this list gets longer, click here to zoom to the most recent show notes.)

In case you heard an interesting attribution or allusion, I do my best to track each person, firm, piece of content, or reference we make in each of the episodes. But on the off-chance I miss something, do let me know.

Enjoy, and keep staying awesome!

Past show notes:

S1E1: Chris Douvos – Why You Should Be Wrong and Alone

S1E2: Beezer Clarkson – The Art and Science of VC Metrics

S1E3: Eric Woo – The Adventures of an LP Whisperer

S1E4: Jamie Rhode – The Bull and Bear Case of Early Distributions

S1E5: Courtney McCrea – What Great Answers to LP Questions Sound Like

S1E6: Ben Choi – How to Build a Multi-Fund VC Firm

S1E7: Howard Lindzon – How Being Weird is a Deal Flow Superpower

S1E8: Samir Kaji – An Individual LP’s Guide to Investing Like an Institution

S1PSE1: Jeff Rinvelt / Martin Tobias – A Case Study on Why LPs Pass on Great Funds

S2E1 – Abe Finkelstein – How One of VC’s Biggest LPs Builds Relationships

S2E2: Youngrok Kim – Diligence Questions: As Simple As They Are Complex

S2E3: Winter Mead – The Questions that Form an LP Investment Thesis

S2E4: Peter Teneriello – How a Pension Fund thinks about Venture Capital

S2E5: Aakar Vachhani – When Helpful is an Action Verb

S2E6: Jaap Vriesendorp – Exit Windows Matter More Than Entry Windows

S2E7: Aram Verdiyan – How to Get Six Top Quartile Fund of Funds in a Row

S2E8: Ertan Can – An LP’s Guide to the European VC Ecosystem

S2E9: Jaclyn Freeman Hester – Qualitative Signals to Look for in Emerging GPs

S2PSE1: Beezer Clarkson / Chris Douvos – The LP Game Show

S3E1: John Felix – Bringing the Endowment Approach to Emerging Managers

S3E2: Dave McClure – VC Fund Secondaries Unlocked

S3E3: Ian Park – The Inner Workings of a Sovereign Wealth Fund

S3E4: Evan Finkel – Operational Due Diligence Like You’ve Never Seen Before

S3E5: Lisa Cawley – Why an LP of GPs Is Uniquely Valuable

S3E6: Raida Daouk – The Art and Science of Reference Checks

S3E7: Susan Kimberlin – An Inside Peek into the Mind of an Individual LP

S3E8: Ben Ehrlich – Why Trust is Built from the Small Things

S3E9: Felipe Valencia – How to Get Access into Top Tier Funds

Recent show notes below:

S3PSE1: Rick Zullo – How to Build an Emerging Manager Community