Undeniably, one of the most insightful books I read this year has been Setting the Table by Danny Meyer. Someone I’ve been a long time fan of. If you’re no stranger to this humble blog, you’ll notice his cameos throughout previous pieces I’ve written. I am also remarkably late to the game. The book came out in 2008. And to this day, is as timeless as it was over a decade and a half back. Thank you, Rishi and Arpan for gifting me a copy.
That book has led to blogposts like this and this. To finally cold email him (yay, he replied! Danny, if you’re reading this, thank you for making my day, hell, and a good portion of my year!). New ways on how I support GPs. More intentional ways to hire. Inspired me to take on two more writing projects and a new podcast series in 2025 (don’t worry, Superclusters isn’t going anywhere, but expanding). And I’m sure it’s only the tip of the iceberg.
And as one last fanboy moment for Danny, there’s a line he has on page 220. A line the late and great Stanley Marcus of Neiman Marcus fame once told him. “The road to success is paved with mistakes well handled.” A line I haven’t stopped thinking about since I read it.
There’s a saying in the entrepreneurial world that it takes between 10 and 15 miracles for a startup to succeed. Each miracle is a trial by fire. A right of passage. A test of character. I’ve always believed that the job of an investor is not to be helpful all the time, or share celebrations on social media, or facilitate just connections. Despite having done many of the above myself, those are all, in my mind, table stakes. Rather, the job of an investor is to be there for at least one of those critical points of failure and to be extremely valuable. To help an entrepreneur handle their mistake well, to borrow Stanley Marcus’ line.
In another episode earlier this year, Jaclyn Freeman Hester shared one of the best soundbites ever said on Superclusters.
“If I hire someone, I don’t really want to hire right out of school. I want to hire someone with a little bit of professional experience. And I want someone who’s been yelled at.”
While it makes for a great clickbait title, the lesson extends further. One only gets yelled at by making a mistake. One learns not by making mistakes, but the public embarrassment of that mistake. If someone learn of the negative aftermath of a mistake, one won’t get the feedback mechanism necessary to grow from that experience. To analogize it to elementary math, if my afterschool teacher didn’t slap me with a ruler every time I got 9+8 wrong, it would have taken me a lot longer to learn that lesson. If no one catches you accidentally making an inconsistent calculation on the balance sheet, you may never learn from that mistake.
All that to say, someone who’s been yelled at made the mistake, received the feedback mechanism to improve, and learned to handle it better next time.
So, in my long preamble, and not to bury the lead, 2025 will be the year of big mistakes. Maybe. Hopefully, well handled. 2024 was the year of laying the groundwork. A lot of which were made explicit via this blog. I’m not saying I haven’t made any mistakes. Yes, I’ve left the toilet seat up. I should have asked for more concrete examples during certain podcast interviews. Almost forgot to file my annual tax extension. Forgot to mention a sponsor at an event (luckily my co-host had my back). Made the rookie intern mistake at work. Twice. Different things, but nevertheless twice. But those mistakes will be small compared to the ones I’ll make next year.
Nevertheless, here are the hallmarks of 2024!
2024’s Most Popular
- Timeless Content for the Weary Investor — Our society spends quite a bit of time focusing on results, outputs, and success. All of which are lagging indicators of the blood, sweat and tears people put in. So instead, earlier this year, I thought it’d be interesting to compile a list of content that some of the most successful investors (LPs and VCs alike) consume. What goes in their information diet? What are the inputs? Some results may surprise!
- The Science of Selling – Early DPI Benchmarks — With the economy outside of AI hitting a standstill and hitting record low numbers in terms of liquidity, I’ve found a constant stream of new readers via this blogpost. Many of which I imagine to be fiduciaries and capital allocators. I do hope that one day there is more content on selling and exiting positions in a liquidity-constrained environment though. Although, I may just put out a blogpost on secondaries in the new year, inspired by a number of conversations I’ve had this year already.
- How to Break into VC in 2024 — It may be obvious by now that there’s no one set path to get into venture. I’ve worked with colleagues who ranged in majors from history to food science to economics to computer engineering. Additionally, those who have been a founder, a banker, a consultant, a product manager, an artist, an athlete, an actress, a public relations specialist, and the list goes on. But if you were looking for the closest thing to a silver bullet, maybe this essay would be a great place to start.
- Five Tactical Lessons After Hosting 100+ Fireside Chats — Surprisingly, this has stayed as a perennial blogpost. I realize even now looking back, how much I’ve learned since, but nevertheless a good starting point for those who want to interview others.
- The Non-Obvious Emerging LP Playbook — The first blogpost I wrote on the topic of being an LP. Still my longest one to date. Since then, I’ve learned an LP comes by many a name. Capital allocator. Asset owner. And more specifically, the difference between multi-family offices and single family offices. Family businesses. Access versus asset class LPs. And more.
- Non-obvious Hiring Questions I’ve Fallen in Love with — I’ve been lucky enough to spend quite a bit of time around talent magnets this year. And in the surplus of applications, they’re forced to quickly differentiate signal from noise. And these are some of the questions I’ve heard them use. And well, have also used myself when hiring these past two years.
All-Time Most Popular
This list hasn’t changed much this year. One can say I have yet to outdo myself. Which may be true. I admittedly, also haven’t shared these blogposts much on Twitter. In fact, over 70% of this year’s posts never touched LinkedIn or Twitter. When in the past, I invested a bit more time in expanding to new audiences. For any essay that did go a little viral this year, it was because of you, my readers. So thank you!
- The Science of Selling – Early DPI Benchmarks
- The Non-Obvious Emerging LP Playbook
- 10 Letters of Thanks to 10 People who Changed my Life
- 99 Pieces of Unsolicited, (Possibly) Ungooglable Startup Advice
- Five Tactical Lessons After Hosting 100+ Fireside Chats
2024’s Most Memorable
This year was the year of LP content. Also, the year where I stopped using as many headers in my blogposts. Interestingly enough. It wasn’t any conscious decision, but at some point I just slowed my pace down. Excluding this blogpost and a few others. I wonder if I’ll use less next year.
So, to share them chronologically, here are some of my personal favorites:
- The Proliferation of LP Podcasts — I wrote this back in March at the beginning of Season 2 of Superclusters, and I still stand by this today. At the beginning of every content adoption curve, the question is: WHERE can I find this content? But as the content becomes fully adopted, in this case around being a capital allocator, the question will become: WHO do I want to / choose to listen to?
- From Demo Day to First Meeting: My Demo Day Checklist — There are times we have to make fast decisions when faced with a volume of options. Going to Demo Days and choosing who to follow up with is just one of such cases. I’m happy this year I’ve codified that practice when going to VC accelerator Demo Days. And I imagine it’s only a matter of time, before we’re faced with the volume of YC Demo Days, but for funds.
- The Power Law of Questions — As I’ve grown as an LP, I find myself being a lot more intentional with questions I ask fund managers. This blogpost serves as a record of questions I found myself asking quite often this year.
- Emerging Manager Products versus Features — In the startup world, the concept of products and features have become quite prevalent. One is a standalone business. The other is more of a subclause than a clause, incapable of being a product offering in of and itself. As I spend time thinking about an asset class, where the simplest, and likely, most facetious way of describing it, is we sell money, this blogpost serves as “value-adds” that deserve their own fund versus ones that should be built within a larger shop.
- Shoe Shopping — One of my posts where the title almost has nothing to do with the blogpost itself. But an observation of what differentiates VC funds beyond what they pitch the public.
- ! > ? > , > . — Another one of those blogposts where it’s hard to guess what it’s about from the title itself. Likely my worst essay title to date. Or best? A product of my gripe that most people don’t know how to ask for feedback. And good news! Some readers of this blog have reached out since asking for more directed feedback.
- Three E’s of Fund Discipline — A lot of GPs focus on entry discipline. A lot of LPs in 2024 focus on exit discipline. Both are equally as important, but both often forget about the third kind of fund discipline. Executional discipline. I give examples of each in this essay, which hopefully can help as a reminder for what is needed out of a great fund manager. A separate job description from just being a good investor. In fact, you can be the latter without ever needing to raise or manage your own fund, and still make the Midas List.
With that, 2024 comes to a close. See you all in the new year!
Photo by Eyestetix Studio on Unsplash
If you want to check out the past few years, you’ll find them encased in amber here: