#unfiltered #22 The Lesson I Learned from Purposefully Replying to Spam Emails – Persistence, The Attention Allocation, and a Little Hack I Use

phone booth, spam emails, communication, cold emails

A few days ago, I watched Yes Theory‘s recent heartwarming and inspiring video, Creating a Subscriber’s Viral Job Application. And if you have a spare 20, I highly recommend checking it out. Yesterday, I chatted with a friend about the influx of spam calls these days. So, I thought; now that’s a start of a #unfiltered blogpost.

As a warning, this post is slightly more eccentric than, admittedly, my average #unfiltered blog post.

Prefacing with spam

I used to write this newsletter, Friday Morning Coffee Break, back in college for one of the clubs I helped lead. (Now that I think about it, coffee seems to be the theme for my content drops.) So if any of you subscribers then are reading this post now, this anecdote will be a momentary skip down memory lane.

So, you see, I’m a huge fan of comedy. And 3 years back, when I first learned about James Veitch, I just had to try it out myself. Replying to spam emails. From Nigerian princes. Cold emails from ‘celebrities’. Confirmation emails that require replying to unsubscribe.

If you’re curious as to how he pulls it off, you can check out his Hilarious (yes with a capital ‘H’) TED talks: here, here, and here.

What I did

When I received:

Subject: Save a 80% Off meds delivered discretely to your door

Don’t miss this once in a lifetime chance to get 80% off of a lifetime supply of Viagra!

… my keyboard was ready.

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