2020 Year in Review

I’ve written 102 essays on this blog in the past year, plus some change, spending an average of 1-2 hours per piece and a range from 30 minutes to 2 weeks. An average of 1,200 words per post. While not mutually exclusive, over half of which were on startup topics. One in three described the venture capital landscape. 36 (excluding #0) #unfiltered blog posts, where I share my raw, unfiltered thoughts about anything and everything. 16 on mental health. A surprising 13 on cold emails and its respective ecosystem. And my first public book review. Some didn’t age well, like The Marketplace of Startups. Some will stay evergreen.

25% of my blog posts I started writing at least 48 hours before the publish date. 1 in every 3 (-ish) of the afore-mentioned, I rewrote because I didn’t like the flow. For every 2 essays I wrote, 1 of which I had to wrestle deeply with the thought of imperfection. In effect, half of my essays were a practice to overcome my own mental stigma of “writer’s block.” Yet after over a year of writing, I realize that I’ve become prouder of my writing than when I started.

So, as the year is transitioning into the next, I thought I’d take some time to reflect on my growth 100 (+2) posts after starting this blog. Let’s call them superlatives.

Top 10 most popular

Ranked by total views per post, the 10 posts readers visit the most.

  1. #unfiltered #30 Inspiration and Frustration – The Honest Answers From Some of the Most Resilient People Going through a World of Uncertainty – I asked 31 people I deeply respect to share some of their greatest drivers and darkest moments in life and how they got through them. You can find part 2 here with 10 more thoughts.
  2. My Cold Email “Template” – My friends have asked me for years what I write in my cold emails, and now, what and how I write my cold outreaches are available for your toolkit.
  3. Fantastic Unicorns and Where to Find Them – An essay on the parameters and the mental models investors use to find “unicorn” startup ideas.
  4. When Investor Goodwill Backfires – What It Means to be Founder-Friendly and Founder-Investor Fit – How founders can do investor diligence before signing the term sheet and also how to best manage founder-investor dynamics
  5. #unfiltered #24 How long do you take to prepare for a talk? – A Study about Time Allocation
  6. How to Build Fast and Not Break (As Many) Things – A Startup GTM Playbook
  7. 10 Letters of Thanks to 10 People who Changed my Life – Every holiday season I write thank you letters to the people I deeply respect. It’s one of the best times of the year to reconnect. These are the letters I wrote in 2019. Here are also some I wrote this year for more context.
  8. #unfiltered #18 Naivety vs Curiosity – Asking Questions, How to Preface ‘Dumb’ Questions, Tactics from People Smarter than Me, The Questions during Founder-Investor Pitch
  9. #unfiltered #11 What I Learned About Building Communities through Social Experiments – Touching Jellyfish, Types of Social Experiments, The Thesis, Psychological Safety and Fairness
  10. The Marketplace of Startups – While many of the remarks on this blog post are now obsolete, largely incited by the 2020 Black Swan event – COVID, the two questions at the end of the blog post are the two I still like to ask founders today.

Personal favorites

While not every one of these got the limelight I had hoped, each of these are ones I felt great pride in being able to write on.

Most challenging to write

I had been wrestling with how vulnerable I can allow myself to be in the public space. Writing this post was frightening, but I’m glad I did. It cascaded into deeper conversations with my friends, colleagues and readers, but also inspired more blog posts after this about mental health.

#unfiltered #26 Am I At My Best Right Now?

In closing

I first started this blog with the intention of chronicling my own learnings in the amazing world of venture. While I couldn’t guarantee it would be helpful to every individual reading my humble meandering, I could, at least, guarantee what I write has been or continues to be instructive for me.

Within the first month it had evolved into an FAQ and a means to provide value to as many founders as I can when one day the number of people I want to help exceed my available bandwidth. Wishful thinking at the time, but a cause that inspired me forward. After the first six months, with the introduction of the #unfiltered series, I began to write to think – a way to flush out simple, unrefined ideas to more robust concepts. While I’ll forever be a work in progress, I began to make new dendrite connections that never existed before. In a way, I was and am still chronicling my own journey in hopes that it will continue to guide people beyond my immediate sphere of influence.

Thank you, each and every one of you, for accompanying me on this journey we took yesterday and the one we’ll take tomorrow. And I hope this cognitive passport will continue to serve as your cup o’ Zhou (/joe/) weekly.

Cheers, and I’m excited for the adventure ahead!

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

#unfiltered #36 Thanksgiving Letters and Holiday Season Thank You’s

Every year, on Thanksgiving, I write a series of emails, letters, and texts to thank the individuals who have helped me become the person I am today – wittingly and unwittingly. Some of whom I may have never met. Some I may never meet again. And a small handful I will meet again on the other side. Nevertheless, the future likelihood our paths crossing does not change the gratitude I have toward each person.

Over time, largely due to the volume of letters I write, this practice has bled into the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Last Thanksgiving, I published 10 of the above letters (anonymized) I wrote that year as inspiration for friends, colleagues, and readers who may have been considering or writing their own. This year, I assume, won’t be an exception. And for many others who might need a gentle nudge forward, I share two letters of mine I’ve written this holiday so far to act as a potential anchor for you to start yours.


  1. Centaurus – A reminder of self worth
  2. Cassiopeia – A chain reaction

A reminder of self worth

Dear Centaurus,

This year has been incredibly bizarre. On one hand, I’ve had some of my biggest wins in my life so far. On the other, I’ve hit low points I never thought were possible – at least for myself. Actually, especially so for myself. Yet they happened.

While many others might have seen them come and go like the autumn breeze that is blowing against my window sill as I am writing to you, you were there for me in some of my darkest times. I don’t know if it was telepathy or clairvoyance, but earlier this month you sent me one text: “Love you man. Just because.” It came less than 24 hours after a streak of 3 founders independently telling me I was not worth their time. One of which, the call ended 15 minutes into a 30-minute call. That morning I really needed that. And in that moment, I was reminded of another line you sent me last month when I asked you for a favor:

“Beautiful things don’t ask for attention.”

Thank you. I wish you and your family the warmest, the coziest, and the best of holidays. I believe the Danish call it “hyggelig.”

My deepest gratitude,


A chain reaction

Dear Cassiopeia,

I still remember the day I selfishly reached out to you. My internal monologue went something along the lines of: “Nah, she’s going to be way too busy to reply. But you know, what if? Nah! Maybe I should send a follow-up in a week.” 7 minutes later, my phone goes bzzzt, bzzzt. Being the phone addict that I am, I had to check and there in my inbox lied an email from you. Overly excited, I replied quickly. And your following reply, or more accurately, your voice message lit my day up like New Years.

I’m 24-years young, but sometimes, like that day, I still act like a 7-years young. At times, my friends and family tell me I should act my age. But in those moments, I admittedly unforgivably don’t.

Since then, you’ve inspired me to write a post about the psychology of curiosity and reach out to professors, like John List, to write posts like this. A chain reaction of ideas, but more importantly, your advice and feedback emboldened me to reach further. In this world that snowballed from your reply to my selfish message, 1+1 = 3.

Thank you. I wish you and your family the warmest, the coziest, and the best of holidays. I believe the Danish call it “hyggelig.”

My deepest gratitude,


In closing

We don’t often thank the people who’ve helped us get to where we are today often enough. I know I, for one, don’t. Thankfully, every year, despite everything else that is going on in my life and in the world, I’m reminded to set time aside to show my appreciation. A few minutes per person for me is asking very little for people who have saved me days, weeks, if not years worth of mistakes and folly.

And, the holiday season also happens to be one of the best, if not the best time to reignite old flames and to spark new ones.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

#unfiltered is a series where I share my raw thoughts and unfiltered commentary about anything and everything. It’s not designed to go down smoothly like the best cup of cappuccino you’ve ever had (although here‘s where I found mine), more like the lonely coffee bean still struggling to find its identity (which also may one day find its way into a more thesis-driven blogpost). Who knows? The possibilities are endless.

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

My parents have always conditioned me to plan each of my ages out. When I was younger, every year I ranked up they would ask me what I want to get done. At the same time, I never felt a strong commitment to New Year’s resolutions. Maybe it was ’cause of the gingerbread cookies. Or the Christmas presents. Or the fireworks and the ball drop. But that lull between the holidays wasn’t conducive to me setting meaningful goals. The “promises” I made carried no weight behind them.

Three years back, after reading Brad Feld’s birthday resolution, I decided to start setting my own birthday resolutions. Outside of a mere date shift, there were 3 reasons I chose to do so:

  1. I had time to recover from the holidays – to get my head straight.
  2. I was motivated watching my friends, family, and coworkers tackle their New Year’s resolutions in the month prior. (Admittedly, more often than not, they lose their initial trajectory, but I only saw the beginning of many of their inverse parabolas.) Motivation is one side of the coin; FOMO is another.
  3. In that motivating January, assuming I haven’t yet completed my previous year’s resolution(s), it motivates me to finish strong – the “last mile” sprint.

That said, this is my first year posting my resolutions publicly. Why? One, it’s to keep me accountable. Two, as Jeff Wald once said, “practice true vulnerability by opening up about the potholes ahead, not just the ones in the rearview mirror.” And one of my resolutions from v23.0 was to become more comfortable being vulnerable. So, what will the new update look like?

Here are the patch notes:

Build ideas from 0 to 1.

This year, I plan to actively help 2 startups go from idea to product-market fit. After 3 years on the venture side of the cap table, the one thing I’ve noticed more and more is that I miss getting my hands dirty, especially in the early stages. I miss the ups and downs. I miss the freaky moments (and the big wins). It may sound a bit weird. But I may have emotionally removed myself from being entrepreneurial and trapped myself in a bird’s-eye perspective only. And I hate it.

More artistically creative outputs.

Two years ago, I started idea-journaling by inspiration from my former college professor. After going through 9.5 idea journals, I realized I’ve spent less than 10% of my ideation space on artistic pursuits. 40% on VC and startups. 40% on personal projects and experiments. 10% everything else. There’s clearly a lack of diversity in my creative space. So, this year, I’m committing to producing one new art piece every week – be it a new drawing, music composition, culinary permutation, or something that’ll surprise myself. My deepest gratitude to my friends who gave me new canvases to explore my creative white space. You can track my progress on my Instagram.

Balancing Social Media.

In the year when many of my peers are unplugging, I’m going to be more active on social media, fine print included. I’m going to explore more by contributing content on this blog, my Instagram (for artistic pursuits), LinkedIn, Medium, Quora, Reddit, and Discord.

I’ve always shied away from social media – not because of some grandiose sense of self-discipline, but rather since I’ve never been able to fully conquer my shell of introversion. After all, my Facebook profile picture and lack of presence is my form of psychological armor.

That said, I still won’t be scrolling through my news feed on social media. But I will aim to respond to every comment and DM that comes my way. I’m a firm believer in responding to the commitment and time people take to write a thoughtful message. Luckily, I’m also at a stage in my life and career when I don’t have more messages/emails than I can manage.


Over the past half decade, I’ve grown a lot from reaching out to, learning from, and helping new folks in my network. And, I’m grateful for each and every experience. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for them. But as a result of constant pursuits of new experiences and expanding my network, I haven’t been able to reconnect with friends, mentors, teachers, and acquaintances I’ve had in the past, outside of my annual holiday greetings and thanks. In this new update, I’m committing 10 minutes every day to meaningfully rekindle old flames that I haven’t caught up with in the past 6 months.

Read more.

By virtue of reconnecting with friends from my past, it’s useful to have content and inspiration when reconnecting, but also as a means to widen my own knowledge horizon. Outside of work and my one-book-a-month of reading, I’ll be indulging in a minimum of an hour of diverse reading every day via the ‘Discover’ tab on Pocket.

Sleep and wake earlier.

Ever since college, I’ve been a night owl. It’s weird ’cause in college, students apparently have this ego contest of how many ‘all-nighters’ one can pull and still be ‘alive’. Being young and naive, I joined in the chorus, but I never won. In fact, in my entire college career, I pulled only 2 all-nighters, not even back-to-back, and I was already dead. But it ended up ruining my sleep schedule. I would go to sleep between 12 and 3AM. Sometimes for no reason at all.

After I came back from my holiday Europe trip, mostly due to jet lag, I started sleeping at 9PM every night for the first week. I felt so much more refreshed in the morning and through most of the day than when I didn’t. But also, there’s so much less noise in the morning between 4:30 and 6:30AM – both on social media and in the neighborhood. And I could much of my creative work done. This year, I’m going to sleep at 10PM latest and wake at 4:30AM.

Goal-oriented exercise.

I haven’t necessarily been unfit, but my daily routines seem to drone by without any personal achievement or goal in mind. I have no plans to reach my past physical prowess where I spent 30-40 hours a week spent on exercise. But this year, I’ll stick to 2 goals for health and exercise: sub-5:30 mile and 20 pull-ups. (I’m at a 7:15 and 7 pull-ups at the time of writing this post.)

It’s going to be an exciting year, and I plan to have plenty of hotfixes before I reach v25.0, hopefully daily. Thank you to my friends for all the birthday wishes, support, and feedback.