Feeding the LP Beast

feed, bird

My family and friends have always enjoyed local restaurants and never found that higher end culinary flair ever satisfied the beast within. Also, having been a swimmer in a prior lifetime, I also ate like a vacuum cleaner. Food was inhaled rather than chewed.

In 2015, my mentor brought me to my first fine dining experience. One with a Michelin star at that. It was a multi-course meal, filled with words I knew the definitions of, but the permutation of which left me perplexed. Palate cleanser. Salad forks and dinner forks. Kitchen tours. And more.

I remember one distinct course where they had served us clams with the shells attached in a bowl. And another ornate bowl after we de-shell. The messiest part of the dinner, to be fair. After we were all done, they cleaned the table and brought us a glass bowl of water. With slices of lemon and grapefruit, adorned with flower petals.

Thinking it was a complementary drink, I took a swig. It was akin to spa water. Cool, and rather refreshing. Contrary to the calming effect of the drink, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, our waiter run across the room faster than any Olympian. After zigs and zags between tables, he stopped abruptly at our table. Now the whole restaurant stared curiously at what would happen next. Between lengthy exhales, he said, “Sir, this bowl is for washing your hands.” Embarrassed, I apologized profusely. To which, he consoled me profusely back. He took the bowl to get us a new one.

As I looked over at my dining mate, he said, “Man, I’m glad you took that bullet for us. I would have done the same.”

Nowadays, especially if I’m in a fine dining establishment, I almost always ask, “How would you recommend us to eat this?”

Most fund managers start the meeting off, almost immediately with the pitch. Most founders do the same too. I was at a virtual conference last week, where I was matched with 8 GPs on a 15-minute speed date, 6 out of 8 jumped straight into, “Let me tell you about my fund.” I get the urgency, but the first meeting should always be an opportunity to get to know the person you are talking to. As Simon Sinek says, start with the why. Then the how. Then the what. Most flip the order when they’re in pitch mode. Hell, some may not ever get into the ‘why.’

Most LPs do not invest in venture full-time. In fact, it’s the asset class they know least well. And within their smallest bucket of allocation, aka venture, emerging managers are the smallest of the smallest bucket in their larger portfolio. So if amount of capital equated to depth of understanding, most LPs know bar none about venture. At least, compared to you, the GP, who is pitching. Some may think they know a lot. They may even want to invest directly in early-stage companies themselves. And while they may not admit it to you, a number of LPs think your job, as a venture capital GP, is easy.

You, I, and every investor who has spent meaningful time in venture and is not deluding themselves, know that this is the exact opposite of any easy job that anyone can do well. Do note, raising capital easily and deploying capital easily and supporting entrepreneurs easily are all different things.

Nevertheless, depending on the LP’s proficiency level, you need to remind them:

  1. On venture and its risks (why the asset class) — Compare the asset class to others. Buyout. Real estate. Credit. And so on. Set expectations explicitly. If you yourself are not capable of comparing and contrasting between the asset classes, you should learn about the others yourself.
  2. Why emerging managers (Big multi stage fund vs you the Fund I) — You are not Andreessen, GC, Redpoint, Emergence, IVP, Industry, you name it. Neither should you at a Fund I or II. The risks of betting on emerging managers is present. If an LP indexes the emerging manager venture asset class, they’ll be disappointed. The mean is great, but the median is horrible. At least, compared to other asset classes they could be investing in. Do not pitch them, “emerging managers are more likely to outperform.” Inform them of the real risks at play.
  3. Why vertical/industry — Many emerging funds are specialists. For good reason. Based on your past experience, you’re likely to have more scar tissue but also real learnings than in other industries you did not have exposure to. Just like the first two, set the stage. How does your industry compare to others?
  4. Why you — Why the strategy? Why do you have GP-thesis fit? Why have all your previous experiences culminated to this one point in time to start this fund? And is your interest in running a firm enduring? If not, it’s also okay, but be explicit about it.
  5. Why they loved you — This is for the venture-literate LP AND if they’ve previously invested in you. Now they’re deciding if they should re-up. Were you true to your word? Have you stayed focused enough that your bets are still largely uncorrelated to the other bets in the LP’s portfolio? Why are you as awesome, but ideally more awesome compared to the last time you’ve chatted?

In that order. Starting from (1) to (5). Do not skip (1), (2), and (3).

If you jump straight to (4), that LP will consume that information within their own biases. Something you may not be able to control. And that will either make a fool out of them. Or a fool out of you. Just like I was at my first fine dining meal.

No one wants to be a fool. Don’t give anyone a chance to be one.

Photo by Santiago Lacarta on Unsplash

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

#unfiltered #93 Shifting Focus


Folks with frequent flyer miles here know that I’m a big fan of Brandon Sanderson’s lessons on creative writing. So, when Brandon Sanderson shared his new course on YouTube, I had to check it out. And I’m glad I did. In it, there’s a story on a Hollywood pilot for a new sitcom.

A team in Hollywood would bring people in, and subsequently tell them that team would ask the test audience what they thought of the pilot episode after they watched it. People would then watch it. After, they would ask, “There was a commercial at break number one. What brand was this commercial for?” Why? They didn’t want people focusing on the commercials, but wanted to understand the efficacy of the commercial. According to Brandon, they used the same sitcom pilot for years, which they used as the constant to test the commercial itself.

As such, Brandon’s advice to writers was that you shouldn’t ask too many leading questions when asking for feedback. Otherwise you’d predispose your audience to the intentions of your script.

Interestingly enough, I wrote a piece last week on how I do references. In it, I also share some of the questions I use during diligence and reference calls. While the questions aren’t intended to deceive, they’re designed to get to the truth. For instance, instead of asking for a person’s weakness, you ask “If you were to hire someone under this person, what qualities would you look for?” If I were to ask a stranger about their friend’s weakness, 9 times out of 10, I’ll get a response that’s a strength in disguise. A stranger has no incentive to tell me negative things about someone they have known for a while.

But at the same time, my job as an investor, though only a minority investor, is to help their friend grow. And I can’t help them grow if I don’t know what are areas they need to grow in.

As such, the focus isn’t on weaknesses. But shifting the framing to areas where I can complement them. Areas that if they worked on them in the next two years will make them a more robust leader.

There’s also another exercise I’ve really enjoyed working on with founders and emerging managers. I’d host a dinner where most people don’t know each other and what the other people are building. I don’t give them time to introduce themselves, but I ask every single person to bring their deck. During the dinner, they’re required to give their deck to someone else at the table. Each person then has a max of two minutes to look at someone’s deck, with no other context. After two minutes, decks are put away. And each person is required to pitch the startup or the fund as if they were the founder.

It’s a self-awareness exercise. Too often, when we’re looking at our own pitch day in, day out, we tend to lose perspective. We tend to miss things that are obvious to others. Through the above exercise, each person is able to notice what someone with limited time and attention took away from their pitch and what the delta is between what the founder wanted to convey and what the other person ended up conveying.

Photo by Romain Vignes on Unsplash

#unfiltered is a series where I share my raw thoughts and unfiltered commentary about anything and everything. It’s not designed to go down smoothly like the best cup of cappuccino you’ve ever had (although here‘s where I found mine), more like the lonely coffee bean still struggling to find its identity (which also may one day find its way into a more thesis-driven blogpost). Who knows? The possibilities are endless.

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

2024 Year in Review


Undeniably, one of the most insightful books I read this year has been Setting the Table by Danny Meyer. Someone I’ve been a long time fan of. If you’re no stranger to this humble blog, you’ll notice his cameos throughout previous pieces I’ve written. I am also remarkably late to the game. The book came out in 2008. And to this day, is as timeless as it was over a decade and a half back. Thank you, Rishi and Arpan for gifting me a copy.

That book has led to blogposts like this and this. To finally cold email him (yay, he replied! Danny, if you’re reading this, thank you for making my day, hell, and a good portion of my year!). New ways on how I support GPs. More intentional ways to hire. Inspired me to take on two more writing projects and a new podcast series in 2025 (don’t worry, Superclusters isn’t going anywhere, but expanding). And I’m sure it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

And as one last fanboy moment for Danny, there’s a line he has on page 220. A line the late and great Stanley Marcus of Neiman Marcus fame once told him. “The road to success is paved with mistakes well handled.” A line I haven’t stopped thinking about since I read it.

There’s a saying in the entrepreneurial world that it takes between 10 and 15 miracles for a startup to succeed. Each miracle is a trial by fire. A right of passage. A test of character. I’ve always believed that the job of an investor is not to be helpful all the time, or share celebrations on social media, or facilitate just connections. Despite having done many of the above myself, those are all, in my mind, table stakes. Rather, the job of an investor is to be there for at least one of those critical points of failure and to be extremely valuable. To help an entrepreneur handle their mistake well, to borrow Stanley Marcus’ line.

In another episode earlier this year, Jaclyn Freeman Hester shared one of the best soundbites ever said on Superclusters.

“If I hire someone, I don’t really want to hire right out of school. I want to hire someone with a little bit of professional experience. And I want someone who’s been yelled at.”

While it makes for a great clickbait title, the lesson extends further. One only gets yelled at by making a mistake. One learns not by making mistakes, but the public embarrassment of that mistake. If someone learn of the negative aftermath of a mistake, one won’t get the feedback mechanism necessary to grow from that experience. To analogize it to elementary math, if my afterschool teacher didn’t slap me with a ruler every time I got 9+8 wrong, it would have taken me a lot longer to learn that lesson. If no one catches you accidentally making an inconsistent calculation on the balance sheet, you may never learn from that mistake.

All that to say, someone who’s been yelled at made the mistake, received the feedback mechanism to improve, and learned to handle it better next time.

So, in my long preamble, and not to bury the lead, 2025 will be the year of big mistakes. Maybe. Hopefully, well handled. 2024 was the year of laying the groundwork. A lot of which were made explicit via this blog. I’m not saying I haven’t made any mistakes. Yes, I’ve left the toilet seat up. I should have asked for more concrete examples during certain podcast interviews. Almost forgot to file my annual tax extension. Forgot to mention a sponsor at an event (luckily my co-host had my back). Made the rookie intern mistake at work. Twice. Different things, but nevertheless twice. But those mistakes will be small compared to the ones I’ll make next year.

Nevertheless, here are the hallmarks of 2024!

  1. Timeless Content for the Weary Investor — Our society spends quite a bit of time focusing on results, outputs, and success. All of which are lagging indicators of the blood, sweat and tears people put in. So instead, earlier this year, I thought it’d be interesting to compile a list of content that some of the most successful investors (LPs and VCs alike) consume. What goes in their information diet? What are the inputs? Some results may surprise!
  2. The Science of Selling – Early DPI Benchmarks — With the economy outside of AI hitting a standstill and hitting record low numbers in terms of liquidity, I’ve found a constant stream of new readers via this blogpost. Many of which I imagine to be fiduciaries and capital allocators. I do hope that one day there is more content on selling and exiting positions in a liquidity-constrained environment though. Although, I may just put out a blogpost on secondaries in the new year, inspired by a number of conversations I’ve had this year already.
  3. How to Break into VC in 2024 — It may be obvious by now that there’s no one set path to get into venture. I’ve worked with colleagues who ranged in majors from history to food science to economics to computer engineering. Additionally, those who have been a founder, a banker, a consultant, a product manager, an artist, an athlete, an actress, a public relations specialist, and the list goes on. But if you were looking for the closest thing to a silver bullet, maybe this essay would be a great place to start.
  4. Five Tactical Lessons After Hosting 100+ Fireside Chats — Surprisingly, this has stayed as a perennial blogpost. I realize even now looking back, how much I’ve learned since, but nevertheless a good starting point for those who want to interview others.
  5. The Non-Obvious Emerging LP Playbook — The first blogpost I wrote on the topic of being an LP. Still my longest one to date. Since then, I’ve learned an LP comes by many a name. Capital allocator. Asset owner. And more specifically, the difference between multi-family offices and single family offices. Family businesses. Access versus asset class LPs. And more.
  6. Non-obvious Hiring Questions I’ve Fallen in Love with — I’ve been lucky enough to spend quite a bit of time around talent magnets this year. And in the surplus of applications, they’re forced to quickly differentiate signal from noise. And these are some of the questions I’ve heard them use. And well, have also used myself when hiring these past two years.

This list hasn’t changed much this year. One can say I have yet to outdo myself. Which may be true. I admittedly, also haven’t shared these blogposts much on Twitter. In fact, over 70% of this year’s posts never touched LinkedIn or Twitter. When in the past, I invested a bit more time in expanding to new audiences. For any essay that did go a little viral this year, it was because of you, my readers. So thank you!

  1. The Science of Selling – Early DPI Benchmarks
  2. The Non-Obvious Emerging LP Playbook
  3. 10 Letters of Thanks to 10 People who Changed my Life
  4. 99 Pieces of Unsolicited, (Possibly) Ungooglable Startup Advice
  5. Five Tactical Lessons After Hosting 100+ Fireside Chats

This year was the year of LP content. Also, the year where I stopped using as many headers in my blogposts. Interestingly enough. It wasn’t any conscious decision, but at some point I just slowed my pace down. Excluding this blogpost and a few others. I wonder if I’ll use less next year.

So, to share them chronologically, here are some of my personal favorites:

  1. The Proliferation of LP Podcasts — I wrote this back in March at the beginning of Season 2 of Superclusters, and I still stand by this today. At the beginning of every content adoption curve, the question is: WHERE can I find this content? But as the content becomes fully adopted, in this case around being a capital allocator, the question will become: WHO do I want to / choose to listen to?
  2. From Demo Day to First Meeting: My Demo Day Checklist — There are times we have to make fast decisions when faced with a volume of options. Going to Demo Days and choosing who to follow up with is just one of such cases. I’m happy this year I’ve codified that practice when going to VC accelerator Demo Days. And I imagine it’s only a matter of time, before we’re faced with the volume of YC Demo Days, but for funds.
  3. The Power Law of Questions — As I’ve grown as an LP, I find myself being a lot more intentional with questions I ask fund managers. This blogpost serves as a record of questions I found myself asking quite often this year.
  4. Emerging Manager Products versus Features — In the startup world, the concept of products and features have become quite prevalent. One is a standalone business. The other is more of a subclause than a clause, incapable of being a product offering in of and itself. As I spend time thinking about an asset class, where the simplest, and likely, most facetious way of describing it, is we sell money, this blogpost serves as “value-adds” that deserve their own fund versus ones that should be built within a larger shop.
  5. Shoe Shopping — One of my posts where the title almost has nothing to do with the blogpost itself. But an observation of what differentiates VC funds beyond what they pitch the public.
  6. ! > ? > , > . — Another one of those blogposts where it’s hard to guess what it’s about from the title itself. Likely my worst essay title to date. Or best? A product of my gripe that most people don’t know how to ask for feedback. And good news! Some readers of this blog have reached out since asking for more directed feedback.
  7. Three E’s of Fund Discipline — A lot of GPs focus on entry discipline. A lot of LPs in 2024 focus on exit discipline. Both are equally as important, but both often forget about the third kind of fund discipline. Executional discipline. I give examples of each in this essay, which hopefully can help as a reminder for what is needed out of a great fund manager. A separate job description from just being a good investor. In fact, you can be the latter without ever needing to raise or manage your own fund, and still make the Midas List.

With that, 2024 comes to a close. See you all in the new year!

Photo by Eyestetix Studio on Unsplash

If you want to check out the past few years, you’ll find them encased in amber here:

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

! > ? > , > .

comment, bubble, feedback

Yes, that’s the title of this blogpost. And no, that’s not in Wingdings font.

And yes, that’s also an equation.

Surprises do better than suspense, which do better than pauses, which do better than full stops.

The first is indelible. The last is forgettable.

Let me elaborate.

Notation MeaningExplanation
!Surprise(For all you coders, the exclamation point does not stand for “not.”)

You’ve shared something interesting, shocking, unexpected… something non-consensus or nonobvious. This is the easiest justification for someone to take a meeting. You not only have their attention, but their curiosity.

It’s a point of contention. It allows for debate. At face glance, it may not sound right. It may outright be shocking.
?SuspenseWhy? How? You’ve posed an interesting question that begs an answer. People will follow up. They may or may not take the meeting, which is highly dependent on their bandwidth and your luck in their schedule.

Oftentimes, the follow up will seek some level of external validation. You need to appeal to a higher authority. References. Facts/data, and starting from universal truths. Or sometimes, a higher form of logic and reasoning.

In the words of Siqi Chen, questions are “tell tale signs of objections politely withheld.” For the purpose of gauging interest, quiet objections out loud may work in your favor.
,PauseYou’ve introduced a subclause before the clause. The subclause itself must be interesting enough for them to want to finish the sentence. It’s the difference between a feature and a product. If it is interesting enough, there may be a follow up, but things will usually stay asynchronous.

Oftentimes, this manifests in the form of taking a large leap of faith in logic. Either one starts a premise, but has no conclusion/solution. Or the other way around. You deliver the punchline, but has no build-up.
.StopA quick conclusion can be drawn. No further questions or curiosities. There’s nothing special. Nothing worth noting. This neither grabs attention or begs curiosity. The same as saying the sky is blue.

While that may seem obvious, the equivalent in the startup world is “We are a B2B SaaS product leveraging AI to deliver insights.” You’ve said nothing. And unfortunately, all of which is forgettable.

All that to say, if the goal is to get a conversation going, the above is a formula I often advise the founders and GPs I work with.

Then once you have the meeting, of all the meeting requests I get, the two most common reasons are:

  1. I need money
  2. I need feedback

Oftentimes, not mutually exclusive.

For the purpose of this blogpost, and as I’ve written about the former in the past, I’ll focus on the latter.

The vast majority of people also suck at asking for feedback. Take pitch decks, for example.

Most founders and GPs ask: “Can you give me some feedback on my deck?” Unfortunately, the ask is nebulous. What kind of feedback are you looking for? How honest can I be? What are my parameters?

Should I be worried about hurting your feelings? Are you looking for validation or constructive criticism?

Am I the best person to give you feedback on this? Am I supposed to give feedback from the perspective of me as [insert your name] or a different persona?

So, unless you’re best friends with the person you want feedback from AND they are the ideal archetype you’re trying to target, you need to be more direct and focused on what you’re looking for.

One of my favorite set of questions of all time happens to be something that was designed to be asked in groups of strangers. Something that came from the social experiments I hosted pre-COVID. Not original, but I forget the attribution.

  1. Who did you notice? Who, for whatever reason, rational or not, did you like?
  2. Who, for whatever reason, did you not like or feel it may be hard to be friends with them?
  3. And after all that, who did you, for whatever reason, not notice at all?

Similarly, in the case of deck feedback…

  1. Could you go through the whole deck, spending an average of half a second on each slide? While you do so, could you note, which slides you spend longer than one second on, for whatever reason?
    • FYI, leave it up to them if they want to elaborate. Sometimes you don’t need to ask. Oxygen usually rises to the top.
  2. If you were to keep just one slide and throw everything else out, which slide would you keep?
  1. Could you spend up to five seconds per slide? Which slides do you dislike, for whatever reason?
  2. Why?
    • FYI, typical feedback is usually too messy, no punchline (I don’t get what you’re trying to say), or I don’t agree. The last of which is actually not always bad, depending if it’s a point of view of the world or you’re misrepresenting a fact.

These are not questions you ask the feedback giver. Rather, these are questions for introspection.

  1. Which slides did the person giving feedback totally ignore?
  2. Why might they have?

More often than not, these are table stakes slides. Delete these slides if you can.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

Interviewers I Really Respect and Why


I’ve always been fascinated by how to get to the bottom of things. Yes, you can do your homework into the data, but at the end of the day, you have to go back to people and their experience.

Jeff Bezos has this line: “The thing I have noticed is that when the anecdotes and the data disagree, the anecdotes are usually right. There is something wrong with the way that you are measuring it.”

So, when it comes down to finding the right anecdotes, I’m a big believer that asking the right questions gets you most of the way there. It’s why I started the DGQ series on this blog. Naturally, I spend a lot of time studying others who are better at the craft than I am. After all, I have a long road ahead of me. While this is obviously useful in the context of my podcast, studying the best interviewers has also helped me when:

  • Listening to founder and GP pitches
  • Doing diligence
  • Interviewing potential candidates for a role
  • Making friends
  • Small talk
  • Coffee chats / when asking for advice
  • And of course, when doing research.

So while you may not have a podcast — or maybe you do — I hope you find the below useful in regards to other aspects of your life.

What is the callback? A callback — a term quite often used in the comedy circuit — is an allusion to something previously brought up in conversation. It’s not only a sign that you’re actively listening, but that you’re actively engaging in the flow of the conversation. For instance, say you hear someone bring up a quote they liked recently. For the purpose of this example, it’s Amos Tversky‘s line. “You waste years by not being able to waste hours.” Then later in the conversation, they say the last hour flew by so quickly. Then a callback could come in the form of, “Better than wasting a year with me.”

Conan O’Brien is world-class at this, if not best-in-class. If you watch his show or his podcast, you’ll see multiple examples. But probably best illustrated in just the number of times he did it in one episode, I’d recommend his episode with Larry David.

The first question in a conversation is often the hardest, but also has the greatest impact towards the rest of the conversation. Getting someone to put down their guardrails without pre-established rapport is really, really hard. It’s why podcasters and TV show hosts alike have pre-chats, where they spend time with each guest to warm them up.

It’s for that reason I have a lot of respect for Sean Evans who hosts Hot Ones. The number of times his guests have responded to his questions with “How did you know that?” and “You really did your research” or “I’ve never been asked that before” is a refreshing take in a world where talk show interviews are just a formality for a celebrity’s road show. And not only does the style and how Sean ask questions set the show apart from literally every other interview that celebrities go on, you can see how his first few questions help him build instant rapport with a guest whether or not they knew each other well before.

That said, I’d be hard-pressed to find just one as he’s able to execute well for most episodes of Hot Ones already. If you’re short on time, the only ones I find to be little less helpful, at least to see the mutual banter, are probably the ones where he’s interviewing himself, or a fictional character (i.e. Donald Duck or himself), or the guest and him go through less than 10 chicken wings (aka the full gauntlet).

Despite having hosted a number of fireside chats, when I first started Superclusters, I was obsessed with hitting every question I had prepared. An internal expectation that because the podcast is a public asset and is likely to be online till the end of time made me feel I had to cram as much information into each interview as possible. The funny thing is I still didn’t end up covering the lion share of questions.

For each episode, I end up preparing anywhere between 10 and 30 questions. Yes, you read that latter number right. And yes, for a roughly hour-long podcast. Naturally, there’s no way in hell I’d get to the vast majority of questions, but in mind, I had an internal drumbeat that I felt compelled to keep on pace with.

The more I talked with other seasoned podcasters, the more I realize that while others may not prepare as much research as I do before each interview, the best ones let the conversation flow. They ask great follow-up questions. They spend time on the nuance of words, phrases, even micro-reactions and flinches when guests speak or hear something. One of the most useful pieces of advice I got from a friend, Erica Wenger, was to do all the research you humanly can before each recording. Then, ask the first question, and throw the rest out the door. Which I’ve since internalized.

Tim Ferriss is my favorite on this front. And he does this for almost every single one of his episodes. That said, if you’re looking for a starting point, his episode with Eric Ripert was the first one I actually sat down with pen and paper purely to take notes on how Tim follows up with each of Eric’s comments.

By a friend’s recent recommendation, I also stumbled across The Diary of a CEO podcast. I will admit that the first few episodes I came across I found less interesting from a content perspective. But when three episodes later, I tuned into his episode with Marc Randolph, and holy cow, the depth of questions was clearly a cut above the rest, specifically around when Marc had to step down as CEO of Netflix. And you can just see Steven Bartlett asking one great question after the next.

The fallacy with many rookie podcasters, admittedly my own rookie mistake as well, is that the host doesn’t push back on the guest’s answers enough. When an answer just isn’t good enough. Either the one answering dodges the question or kept their answer too broad.

Hasan Minhaj is my go-to person on this front as he’s incredible at pushing back thoughtfully, which is a really hard thing to do. One of my favorite interviews he did by far was the one he did with Kevin O’Leary on FTX, which Kevin personally invested in.

I can’t say I got this from any one podcaster, but actually something I learned from my time as a competitive swimmer. For every race we competed, we had to practice sets of twice the distance regularly. Even more so, we had to practice with a handicap, focusing on refining the technique for only part of our body. Be it legs only, or arms only, hell we even swam with our goggles black-sharpied out before. To us, these were drills that would help prepare us for the real thing.

As a podcaster, in case you couldn’t tell, I’m still a work-in-progress. Likely will always be. That said, one of the most helpful ways I’ve found to practice the art of asking questions (since I’m not in race mode every day) is I often listen to the above shows, hear the host ask the question. Then wait for the guest to respond. Then right before the host asks another question, I practice what I would say and where I’d interrupt. And only after I’ve said my response aloud, do I press play again and see what the host would say.

To me, those are the drills I run through when I can to prepare myself when I am eventually on camera. Other times, it’s just fun to see how my response or line of questions would differ from some of these other hosts.

I’ve often given the excuse that I’m a better writer than I’m a speaker. Which may be true. I often sit with myself during the editing process and wince at words I’ve used or using some complex language to explain what could have been a 140-character question. And the truth is, I’ve held myself back. By giving that very excuse. So now I am earnestly trying to improve. To close that gap, that delta between the way I write and the way I talk. At least from a proficiency standpoint. It may take me a while. But I appreciate every one of you being on this journey with me. And if there’s any advice you can share along this path, as some of you are further along, I’m all ears.

I hope the next time I write something like this, I’ll be further along. And maybe… just maybe, find myself circa today to be embarrassing to watch and listen to.

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

Poker, Event Design, and Vulnerability


(FYI, the first three paragraphs, from a content perspective, are all ‘gotcha’ moments and are irrelevant to the lesson one would probably take from this blogpost. Feel free to skip to paragraph four if you don’t need the extra context.)

Yesterday, a good friend of mine invited me to an intimate event he was putting together for experts to share their insight around a particular problem in today’s society. If he’s reading this blogpost, he’s going to insist on the fact that I’m a co-host. A title I’m embarrassed to take on since he does 99% of the work of why this event is as thoughtful as it is every month he does it. But I digress.

At the very end of the event, my VC buddy who came, came up to me to ask for some advice. “David, I host these poker nights every month for about 30-40 people. But I would love your thoughts on how I can make this event format more engaging and also unique, like the way you host your events.”

Spoiler alert. I never gave him a good answer to that question. So, if you came for that answer, joke’s on you. Or if you really want an answer to that, DM me, and I’ll share my thoughts.

But what happened after was quite interesting. My buddy who hosted the event last week — let’s call him, Danny — posited that poker was a particularly bad activity to do for an audience of founders and investors. Why? Lying is not a practice investors want to encourage in the founders they’re backing. The worst thing that can happen in a VC-founder relationship is that you find out the company is dying when it dies because the founder couldn’t be honest with you sooner. You want a clear line of communication between investors and founders all the time, so investors can help you course correct if they see you heading down the wrong road. And poker is a game that encourages lying.

To which, I agree from the angle of VC to founder relationships. Even personally, I don’t jump in any investor-investee relationship if I don’t think that investee (be it GP or founder) cannot be honest and vulnerable with me in the moment or in the long run.

My other VC buddy — let’s call him, Josh — countered with the fact that yes, poker does encourage you to lie, but most people he plays with have a clear separation of church and state. They know that poker is a game. And as a game, the behavior that is exhibited under such rules stays in the game. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

At the same time, while poker isn’t really the game to play to be vulnerable, Josh said that poker is a great environment to see how a founder reacts to stress. As well as, how they deal with the hand they’re dealt, figuratively and literally. You get to see if a person is risk-averse or risk-taking. Under what conditions? And when their competitors get aggressive, do they step up to the challenge or take a back seat. Do they spend time looking at their hand or analyzing their environment?

Again, also a lot of merit to what Josh said.

Then, ensued a bit of back and forth.

In my opinion, they’re both right.

In my experience, most founders don’t lie easily. While I haven’t done any market surveys if founders are more likely to lie if they play poker versus if not, I also believe that most invitations to poker nights among closed circles stay in closed circles. In the sense that most poker hosts pre-qualify if a person is a high integrity individual before they invite a guest to play poker. So in other words, a high selection bias.

People are more prone to lying or hiding facets of the truth when their ego is attacked. When something so core to their identity is questioned and put at risk. The higher the stakes, the more likely someone is to lie. In most poker games, and with sane people, the bets never exceed a meaningful portion of someone’s net worth. They’re not risking tomorrow’s dinner on the table.

Admittedly, in games where the primary adversaries are the other people present there, one is less likely to have opportunities to be vulnerable. Like poker.

On the other hand, in activities or games where the primary adversaries are themselves or the environment, there is no need to hold pretense. As such, people are more likely to be vulnerable. And have opportunities to be vulnerable. Like pottery, or glass-making, or maybe even golf.

That said, humans are creatures of comparison. We tell ourselves narratives that prescribe meaning to our actions and the actions of people around us. So even in the latter situations where the primary adversary is either themselves or the environment, you want the variation of proficiency levels to be low. In other words, each individual’s proficiency level needs to be as close to the median proficiency level as possible. Or what many will call, levelling the playing field.

For instance, let’s take painting. Painting is a skill where the dispersion of proficiency in the world is rather high. Some people exhibit the talent of Picasso or Georgia O’Keefe. Many others are happy with a decent looking stick figure. If the activity is art, one way to level the playing field is that everyone is blindfolded. Each person loses a sense that is quite crucial to their ability to produce great art. A handicap that instantly brings the variance very close to zero.

Take another example. Golf. Another sport where skill levels may differ drastically. One way to collapse the variance function is simply to have everyone swing with their non-dominant hand.

The goal here is not to only handicap the skilled, which may lead to passive aggressive discontentment. The goal here is to handicap everyone and help everyone divorce themselves from tying the result to their ego.

I’ve always optimized for activities and event formats that help people bond. If you search up ‘social experiments’ on this blog, you’ll see exactly what I mean. I love events that elicit curiosity, as opposed to competitive spirit. Maybe it’s to atone for my own competitive spirit. Knowing that if I have the chance to compete, I will. And well, sometimes, when I’ve set my goal on winning, I can be a misery to be around.

P.S. I appreciate all founders and investors who have invited me to poker nights. While I have played in a few, I can confidently say that I suck. I have a terrible poker face. 🙂

P.P.S. For my readers that are way wealthier than I am — you know who you are — I cannot afford your million dollar buy-ins at the table. That is just way too much funny money I do not have.

Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

The Value of Being an Outsider

fence, inside, outside

In 1968, NASA tasked the late George Land to create a test that would help NASA hire more creative geniuses. Does genius and creativity come from nature or nurture? As such his job was to create a test so simple that even children could take it. And he found that for children ages 4-5, out of 1,600 children, 98% of them qualified to be a genius. Divergent thinkers. Then, he waited five years to assess these same children. To which he found, only 30% qualified. Then another five years later, only 12% of the same children were what he counted to be geniuses.

It begged the question: What percent of adults are geniuses?

The answer, 2%.

For those curious, I’d highly recommend George’s 2011 TEDx talk about the topic.

Of course, the lesson from all of this is the fallacy of modern-day education. And the same is true for the adult world between convergent thinkers and divergent thinkers. I believe in the world of venture at least, we have terminology that’s little less palatable (at least for me, although on occasion I’m guilty of using them myself): insiders and outsiders.

My friend Anne sent me this piece by Auren Hoffman recently on insiders and outsiders. An incredibly well-written piece, and quite thought-provoking. I’ve largely thought about how outsiders can become insiders, but silly me, less about the value of staying an outsider or an insider aiming to become an outsider. Moreover, that to be successful as an insider, there’s actually a rather predictable path to become one. Or at least to help your children become one. Go to Harvard. Play insider sports, like gold, or horse-riding, or sailing. And son. But in Auren’s words, to be successful as an outsider, well, “being [an outsider] is MUCH higher beta. They could end up changing the world for the better. They also could blow it up. Or just never be accepted and live less happy.”

And while I may not agree with everything that Auren proposes, a lot of it makes sense. In fact, 11 words definitely caught my eye. “Outsiders take things from insiders.  Insiders inherit things from other insiders.” And as such, insiders play the status quo; outsiders change the status quo.

It’s interesting. Every generation of VC, there’s a changing of the guard. Many of the new regime are outsiders. People who think different. People who exhibit a level of creativity that is uncommon in VCs. Either in the form of business models or how they provide value. How they build brand. Or simply how their brain works. People that in bringing a fresh perspective were able to find the next great companies unlike any other.

Interestingly enough, in my buddy and Superclusters guest Jaap’s recent study of 2,092 North American and European VC funds, he found that these are the folks who are more likely to hit fundraise targets than any other GP persona. Aka 45% success rate. And perform highest at 2.4X net TVPI, but only average on DPI and IRR.

Source: Jaap Vriesendorp’s cluster model on 2,092 VC funds. Find a more interactive one here.

My guess here is that these outsiders, in being artisanal about their craft and — well, at least with respect to the VC industry at large, divergent thinkers — find their tribe rather quickly because LPs quick self-select themselves in or out of a relationship with them. They’re the round pegs in the square holes, to borrow a Steve Jobs moniker. So when most others look square, the few round holes instantly identify with these round pegs. And more often than not, they’re new to the asset management game, so have lower fund targets and a more precise strategy. Downside to that is they’re still learning the ropes of exit strategies and fund management. Which also explains the high volatility in returns.

And while there’s much higher beta in being an outsider, there’s plenty of research to suggest that there is also greater alpha. But it’s going to be unfair. The deck is rigged against you. There’s a great Marcus Aurelius line. “Mental toughness is knowing life isn’t fair and still playing to win.”

The outsiders who win exhibit exactly that mental fortitude against stacked odds. Besides, there’s joy in doing things differently.

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

Anecdotal Telltale Signs of Exceptionalism

dune, sand, great

I’ve been lucky enough to meet a number of founders and fund managers over the years. Many of which I probably have no business of meeting and getting to know. And I count myself fortunate every day to have the opportunities to do so.

Nevertheless, and as an FYI, all of this is completely anecdotal. Maybe at some point I’ll find data to support this. Hell, maybe there’s already data on this. But as is the perk of this blog, I get to write about just things on my mind.

Per some recent conversations with friends, having already shared with them, thought I’d share the below. Some telltale signs I’ve noticed in founders and fund managers that are world-class before the rest of the world knows it:

  • Highly responsive. It’s insane to think about this given their busy lives. But the folks I’ve been lucky to invest in and (gosh darn it) passed on who’ve gone on to create hundreds if not thousands of jobs respond remarkably fast. Sometimes within minutes of me sending them a message/email. But on average before half the day is over. I will say I’m personally slipping here a bit as of late. But I guess, that just means I’m not world-class by my own definition. Many seem to be night owls, at least when they’re still hustling. I’m not personally sure if they’re working deep into the night, but at least, they’re responding to me at 2AM, and I’m trying to figure out what they’re doing then.
  • They exercise in the morning, or have a morning routine that they do every day without fail, even when on vacation. It could be writing, journaling, making that morning cup of espresso just right, or making breakfast for their kids EVERY morning. It’s ritualistic, so that they perform just as well on the first meeting of their day as they do their last.
  • Operationally disciplined. They’re really good at saying no. They set clear boundaries. Often times, boundaries that most people have not heard of. And many, even after hearing them, may find bizarre or strange. But in an odd way, they make a lot of sense if you give them the time of day. I was calling a friend recently on this, and he was sharing that he’s not the kind of friend that most people want. He doesn’t show up at birthday parties or celebrations. He also doesn’t post to socials regularly to congratulate friends on promotions or otherwise. But he aimed to be, and ends up being the first call friends make when shit hits the fan. And because of that practice, he can be laser focused on his priorities every day.
  • They’re really good at using analogies. In many ways, it’s the classic 7-year old test or the grandma test. They’re extremely high context individuals in a lot of different disciplines. And if I were to define it (not original, but I forget the attribution, might be Tim Urban), high context individuals are those that are well-versed on a given subject. Low context folks are those are out of the loop. For example, a PhD in neuroscience is high context on how different reward systems affect dopamine, but possibly low context on Marvel Cinematic Universe lore. And when someone is high context in not just one area but in a lot of areas — in other words, people might call them polymaths, or at the very least, well-read — it’s easy for them to pull analogies in ways that best help relay what they want to say to the other person’s ears. Like a crypto founder (probably one might be able to guess who) who once described to me one-way hash functions as putting fruits in a blender. Or Josh Wolfe who describes the battle of ethics in a company a battle between intentions and incentives. Or that society is a constant battle between deception and detection.
  • They ask really good questions. Questions you’ve likely never heard asked before. And many can get to proficiency on any subject quite quickly. Largely, probably because of how they think and how they eventually arrive at an answer.
  • Words are used intentionally and with specificity, and rarely, if ever, use amorphous terms and superlative adjectives. Like success, community, unique, compelling, unfair advantage, best, better, and so on. And if they do, they are quick to define what they personally mean when they use those words.

Photo by Linhao Zhang on Unsplash

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

#unfiltered #90 If A Song Took a Lifetime to Play

music, song

Just the other day, I was listening to one of 99% Invisible’s episodes, interestingly titled as “As Slow As Possible,” named after the organization ASLSP, which stands for the same. My knee-jerk reaction was that the abbreviation and the first letters of each word just didn’t match up. Luckily, Roman Mars and Gabe Bullard explained. Although it still left something more to be desired.

“The title is also a reference to a line in James Joyce’s novel Finnegans Wake. The line is: ‘Soft morning, city! Lsp!’ Where lisp is just spelled L S P.”

Nevertheless, the episode itself circles around the concept of taking one song and using the entire lifespan of a pipe organ (639 years) to play that song just once. That even a single note would take two years to play. A fascinating concept! And which led me down a rabbit hole of thought experiments.

What if we took our favorite song and extrapolated that to the human lifespan? Say 90 years. What note would we be on today? Have we gotten to the chorus yet?

So for the sake of this thought experiment, for a brief second, let’s walk down the lane of music theory. Take the average pop song. The average pop song plays for about three minutes. And many at 120 beats per minute. Apparently, 120 bpm is also the golden number you want to get to if you’re working a crowd as a DJ. You never start at that speed, but you work your way up throughout the night. And if you can get people’s heart rate matching the beats per minute, you’ve hit resonance. But I digress.

So, taking round numbers, the average pop song has a total of 360 beats. Most songs are in 4/4 time. In other words, four beats per bar. An average pop song takes about 2-4 bars for the intro. 16 bars for a verse. Possibly, another 4 bars as the pre-chorus. And the first chorus doesn’t really start till bar 25. And usually lasts another 4-8 bars.

Now, if we were to extrapolate a song to the average human lifespan. 90 years. 360 beats across 90 years. Assuming it takes 24 bars to get to the chorus, the chorus doesn’t start until we’re 24 years old. And the full chorus doesn’t end until we’re 32 years old. With each note lasting a full three months. And the second chorus starts around age 48.

Then again, I remember reading somewhere that most pop songs are played in multiples of four or eight. And that most of these songs only have 80 bars. If that’s the case, the first chorus doesn’t kick in till we’re just past 28 years old and ends around 36 years old.

In either case, the first chorus happens around the time when most people would define as their prime. Young enough to take risks; old enough to be dangerous. The second chorus seems to fit as the second wind people have in their careers. Hell, HBR found, the median age of a startup founder when they start is 45. And with that reference point, they’ll be 47 or 48 when they become venture-backed.

Obviously, this is just me playing around with numbers. Correlation does not mean causation, of course. But nevertheless, the parallels… curious and uncanny.

P.S. Jaclyn Hester and my episode together on Superclusters got me thinking about a lot how much music applies to our lives and how we live and think.

Cover Photo at the top by Marius Masalar on Unsplash

#unfiltered is a series where I share my raw thoughts and unfiltered commentary about anything and everything. It’s not designed to go down smoothly like the best cup of cappuccino you’ve ever had (although here‘s where I found mine), more like the lonely coffee bean still struggling to find its identity (which also may one day find its way into a more thesis-driven blogpost). Who knows? The possibilities are endless.

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.

#unfiltered #89 The Palate Setter


Around the time I wrote a blogpost on culinary tips I had amassed from various chefs, I ended up getting one more piece of advice from a James Beard award winner. The culinary equivalent of a Pulitzer. In fact, one piece of advice that came in right after I clicked publish on that blogpost. Which I subsequently failed to include.

I had asked, “How do you know the palate you come into the kitchen with today is the same as the one that you came in with yesterday? And similarly, what about the one tomorrow?”

To which he responded, “I don’t know.” For a brief second, there was silence. Both of us knowing that the void will be filled, but left there for dramatic effect. “Swiss cheese.”


“Swiss cheese. Not the fancy stuff, the one you find in the refrigerated section in the supermarket. Every day, when I go into the kitchen, I take a bite of swiss cheese. To me, it has the perfect balance of umami, salt, nuttiness. And the supermarket brand one is always produced with a consistency in their quality. If my bite that day is not as salty, then my palate is muted, and I should salt my dishes that day a little more. And so on.”

And I found that fascinating. Recently, I was reminded of that advice when I was chatting with my friends on preparation rituals. When we start something, to get us in the right mindset, what is the set of practices in which we use to orient ourselves?

Back when I was still swimming competitively, we used to always say the hardest part about swimming is getting in the water. Effectively, starting. The below were some other rituals that came up in that conversation. Part in hopes that it may inspire you to start your own, partly to make sure that I immortalize these practices for myself.

The tuner in many ways is the swiss cheese in music. Something so consistent that it becomes the benchmark for what sound should be. Is your instrument too sharp or too flat?

But from a ritualistic perspective, I’ve seen many play the scales to loosen their fingers, but one of my favorites from my buddy who plays the flute in the orchestra is beatboxing, while playing the happy birthday song. The song choice itself matters less than using one’s entire mouth to enunciate certain beats. And so, by the end of the song, the windpipes and larynx are fully massaged and ready to go.

For me, it’s doing 20 burpees while listening to a collection of my favorite podcast clips that I’ve saved from other podcasters, then sitting down and skimming through this list of catchphrases that I’ve since called “The Rookie Guide for Veteran Podcasters.”

For another friend, who’s far more accomplished than I am on this front, it’s doing a series of vocal exercises and facial massages. The former of which expand in both pitch and volume (from a whisper to singing in a voice suited best for operas).

From a third friend, it was religiously taking a 1-hour nap about an hour before the recording session.

This isn’t from any of us in the room at the time. But Tim Ferriss has also gone on record sharing what he did in preparation for his first SXSW talk when we just launched the Four-Hour Workweek. That he was staying in a friend’s home who had cats. And he kept practicing his talk in front of the cats trying to get their attention. None of which, I assume, knew anything about what he was talking about, yet if he could convey his intent, energy and emotions through to the cat, he’d have a fighting chance getting the audience’s attention at SXSW.

Photo by Camille Brodard on Unsplash

#unfiltered is a series where I share my raw thoughts and unfiltered commentary about anything and everything. It’s not designed to go down smoothly like the best cup of cappuccino you’ve ever had (although here‘s where I found mine), more like the lonely coffee bean still struggling to find its identity (which also may one day find its way into a more thesis-driven blogpost). Who knows? The possibilities are endless.

Stay up to date with the weekly cup of cognitive adventures inside venture capital and startups, as well as cataloging the history of tomorrow through the bookmarks of yesterday!

The views expressed on this blogpost are for informational purposes only. None of the views expressed herein constitute legal, investment, business, or tax advice. Any allusions or references to funds or companies are for illustrative purposes only, and should not be relied upon as investment recommendations. Consult a professional investment advisor prior to making any investment decisions.