My Latest Riffs
- Flaws, Restrictions and Limitations
- Winning Deals in 1968
- DGQ 24: What predictions did you have in the past that didn’t play out as you expected?
- Feeding the LP Beast
- 35 Biggest Investing Lessons from 4 Seasons of Superclusters
- When is a Market too Small for VCs
- Good Misses and Bad Hits
- #unfiltered #93 Shifting Focus
- Referencing Excellence
- Request for LPs (2025)
- Talent Networks are your Greatest Asset | Adam Marchick | Superclusters | S4E9
- Stress and Ambition
- The Dao of Investing in VC Funds | Jay Rongjie Wang | Superclusters | S4E8
- 2024 Year in Review
- The Pension Fund Perspective on Buyout Strategies | Charissa Lai | Superclusters | S4E7
- VC as an Asset vs Access Class
- The 4 P’s to Evaluate GPs | Charlotte Zhang | Superclusters | S4E6
- Three E’s of Fund Discipline
- The Holiday Special | Nakul Mandan and Ben Choi | Superclusters | S4PSE1
- The Year 1-3 AGM “Playbook”
- LPs Should Get Paid More | Ashby Monk | Superclusters | S4E5
- The Most Common Rejection Email for Transformative Startups
- Listening to the Heartbeat of the Market | David York | Superclusters | S4E4
- Developing Taste as an LP
- The Difference Between GPs who Can and Should Raise | Dan Stolar | Superclusters | S4E3
- Overwhelming and Underwhelming — When to Know You Are Just “Whelming”
- The Case for Concentrated Portfolios | Jeff Rinvelt | Superclusters | S4E2
- Micro(scopic) 10X Funds
- The GP Data You’ve Never Collected Before | Kelli Fontaine | Superclusters | S4E1
- ! > ? > , > .
- Hypoxic Training
- #unfiltered #92 AGMs, VC Funds, and the Personality Hypothesis
- DGQ 24: Guessing a number between 1 and 100
- DGQ 23: What’s the most interesting question you’ve been asked so far?
- When VC Funds Become Firms, Part 3 | Lisa Cawley, Ben Choi, Jaclyn Freeman Hester | Superclusters
- Starting from Yes versus No
- When VC Funds Become Firms, Part 2 | Lisa Cawley, Ben Choi, Jaclyn Freeman Hester | Superclusters
- Interviewers I Really Respect and Why
- When VC Funds Become Firms, Part 1 | Lisa Cawley, Ben Choi, Jaclyn Freeman Hester | Superclusters
- Poker, Event Design, and Vulnerability
- Shoe Shopping
- How to Build an Emerging Manager Community | Rick Zullo | Superclusters | S3PSE1
- Timeless Content for the Weary Investor
- Hustle as a Differentiator
- How to Get Access into Top Tier Funds | Felipe Valencia | Superclusters | S3E9
- The Value of Being an Outsider
- Why Trust is Built from the Small Things | Ben Ehrlich | Superclusters | S3E8
- What Limited Capital Does to Founders and Investors
- An Inside Peek into the Mind of an Individual LP | Susan Kimberlin | Superclusters | S3E7
- Anecdotal Telltale Signs of Exceptionalism
- The Art and Science of Reference Checks | Raida Daouk | Superclusters | S3E6
- The Strength of Battle-Tested Friendships
- Why an LP of GPs is Uniquely Valuable | Lisa Cawley | Superclusters | S3E5
- DGQ 22: If you were hiring someone underneath this person, what skills would they have?
- Operational Due Diligence Like You’ve Never Seen Before | Evan Finkel | Superclusters | S3E4
- #unfiltered #90 If A Song Took a Lifetime to Play
- The Inner Workings of a Sovereign Wealth Fund | Ian Park | Superclusters | S3E3
- Emerging Manager Products versus Features
- VC Fund Secondaries Unlocked | Dave McClure | Superclusters | S3E2
- How Long is the VC Asset Class?
- Bringing the Endowment Approach to Emerging Managers | John Felix | Superclusters | S3E1
- #unfiltered #89 The Palate Setter
- #unfiltered #88 Koi No Yokan
- The Power Law of Questions
- Angels who are Useless to Founders
- How to Break into VC in 2024
- DGQ 21: What’s going to get you excited to be at this business in 5 years?
- The Limited Partner Game Show | Beezer Clarkson & Chris Douvos | Superclusters | S2 Post Season Episode
- Telltale Signs of When Risk is High
- A Jerk’s Guide to Being Kind
- Qualitative Signals to Look for in Emerging GPs | Jaclyn Freeman Hester | Superclusters | S2E9
- #unfiltered #87 Shower Thoughts on Great Founders and Great Investors
- An LP’s Guide to the European VC Ecosystem | Ertan Can | Superclusters | S2E8
- The Discipline of Ambition
- How to Get Six Top Quartile Fund of Funds in a Row | Aram Verdiyan | Superclusters | S2E7
- The Best Time to Raise from Big LPs
- Exit Windows Matter More Than Entry Windows | Jaap Vriesendorp | Superclusters | S2E6
- The Phantom Testimonial Corollary
- When Helpful is an Action Verb | Aakar Vachhani | Superclusters | S2E5
- From Demo Day to First Meeting: My Demo Day Checklist
- How a Pension Fund thinks about Venture Capital | Peter Teneriello | Superclusters | S2E4
- The Complexity of the Simple Question (DGQ 20)
- The Questions that Form an LP Investment Thesis | Winter Mead | Superclusters | S2E3
- DGQ 19: Does the overall level of the team make me question if I’d be a good enough to play in this industry?
- Diligence Questions: As Simple As They Are Complex | Youngrok Kim | Superclusters | S2E2
- The Proliferation of LP Podcasts
- How One of VC’s Biggest LPs Builds Relationships | Abe Finkelstein | Superclusters | S2E1
- What You Can and Cannot Control as a GP
- Winning Deals Based on Check Size (VCs versus LPs)
- “Who Else is Investing?” Is a Good Question
- When Trying Something New
- v28.0
- Lessons from Season 1 of Superclusters
- #unfiltered #86 Learning from Personal Mistakes, Excellence, and from Others
- Do Founders Like You For Your Money?
- A Case Study on Why LPs Pass on Great Funds | Jeff Rinvelt & Martin Tobias | Superclusters | S1 Post Season E1
- Thesis is a Lagging Indicator of Outperformance
- An Individual LP’s Guide to Investing Like an Institution | Samir Kaji | Superclusters | S1E8
- The Job Description of a Great Founder
- How Being Weird is a Deal Flow Superpower | Howard Lindzon | Superclusters | S1E7